
Daily Devotional

Today’s Devotional March 6

Death is an enemy. The Bible calls it the last one that shall be destroyed. For Christians, however, the sting of death is removed. Heaven awaits the soul. Resurrection awaits the body. Rapture awaits all […]


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      Lives Changed

      I am so thankful for your program. I accepted Jesus back in 1995 in my home when Rexella gave the invitation. I am 66 years old and widowed twice, I live alone with my little dog. I faithfully watch your show and have Jack's Prophecy bible and ordered videos, thank you so much. I was not raised in a Christian home and was and am a sinner, but I believe, simply put, what the bible says. My life has trials. But I know Jesus loves me and He died on that cross for me that is thanks to you and Rexella for showing me the way.

      Praise God for you both, please keep up preaching on TV. I love the news being biblically explained for me from Jack. I love to hear about prophecy, it fascinates me and gives a lonely woman hope. God bless you both J

      Cynthia M.

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      About JVIM

      Current international events reflect exactly the conditions predicted throughout the Bible for the last days of this age. Dr. Jack Van Impe has been declaring the truth of Bible prophecy since 1948 and continues to be a leading voice in declaring the soon return of the Savior. Dr. Rexella Van Impe is a talented musician and a critical part of the TV and teaching ministries.

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