
Month: April 2024

Persecution watchdog warns of growing hostility to Christians in US: ‘Frogs in the kettle’

ChristianPost.com reports: “The president of a nonprofit Christian persecution watchdog that monitors hostility to faith and freedom abroad warned that too few Christians in America and the West seem aware of how such trends are […]

Anti-Israel Protesters Defy Order to Clear Encampment: ‘Columbia Will Burn’

Breitbart.com reports: “Anti-Israel protesters participating in an encampment at Columbia University defied an order from administration officials to clear out, threatening to ‘burn’ the university. Columbia University gave protesters an ultimatum of Monday at 2:00 […]

Anti-Israel Encampment Established at Rutgers University

Breitbart.com reports: “An anti-Israel encampment was established on the lawn of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on Monday. The Students for Justice in Palestine chapter of Rutgers University in New Brunswick (SJP Rutgers-NB) […]

Macron ready to ‘open debate’ on nuclear European defence

SpaceWar.com reports: “French President Emmanuel Macron is ready to ‘open the debate’ about the role of nuclear weapons in a common European defence, he said in an interview published Saturday. It was just the latest […]

Hamas fires more than 20 rockets from Lebanon at northern Israel

The Times of Israel reports: “The Lebanon branch of the Hamas terror group launched a barrage of dozens of rockets at northern Israel on Monday morning, as skirmishes on the border persisted amid the war […]

Weekly newsletter – April 29, 2024

  • Dealing With Depression
  • Revelation 3:1 – 13
  • Letters We Love
  • Counting Down to Armageddon
  • The Lessons of Daniel: For then – for now – for the end

Radical Islamists Rally in Hamburg Calling for Caliphate in Germany

Breitbart.com reports: “The German city of Hamburg saw over a thousand Muslims rally on Saturday against the freedom of the press and other liberal values of the country while calling for the imposition of an […]

‘Long live October 7’: Vancouver protesters praise terrorist groups

The Jerusalem Post reports: “Anti-Israel protesters praised the October 7 Massacre and several terrorist organizations at a Vancouver rally on Friday according to a video published by Free Palestine Tri-cities British Columbia, demanding that the […]

Ilhan Omar: Jewish students should be safe ‘whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide’

The Jerusalem Post reports: “In response to a question regarding how the protests at Columbia University would influence antisemitism on campus at Columbia University, US Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota referred to Jewish students as […]

French FM calls for greater cooperation on European defence

SpaceWar.com reports: “Stronger European cooperation on defence would act as ‘a second life insurance policy’ alongside the NATO alliance, French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne said Sunday. In an interview with German daily Die Welt, Sejourne […]

Top TV analyst: Gazans call Israelis ‘descendants of apes and pigs,’ will commit ‘another Oct. 7’

The Jerusalem Post reports: “‘When the Arabs rebuild Gaza and teach again that we are descendants of apes and pigs, and that we should be eradicated—there will be another October 7,’ cautioned Zvi Yehezkeli, the […]

Russia Vetoes Ban on Nuclear Weapons in Space at U.N. Security Council

Breitbart.com reports: “Russia used its veto power at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Wednesday to block a resolution sponsored by the United States and Japan to ban nuclear weapons in outer space. China […]