
Month: April 2024

Russian media: Kremlin plans to deploy ballistic missiles on Finnish border

Voice of America News reports: “Russian media report that the Kremlin plans to deploy ballistic missiles close to its border with Finland. It’s the latest in a series of military and hybrid threats that Russia […]

Amid China tensions, India delivers supersonic cruise missiles to Philippines 

Voice of America News reports: “India has begun delivery of supersonic cruise missiles to the Philippines as the two countries tighten defense and strategic ties amid rising tensions between the East Asian nation and China […]

PA’s Abbas threatens to reconsider ties with US after veto of UN membership bid

The Times of Israel reports: “The Palestinian Authority will reconsider bilateral relations with the US after Washington vetoed a Palestinian request for full United Nations membership this week, PA President Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday in […]

Kim oversees North Korea’s first ‘nuclear trigger’ drills

SpaceWar.com reports: “North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has overseen the country’s first ever ‘nuclear trigger’ drills, state-run KCNA news agency said Tuesday, which involved simulating a nuclear counterattack as a warning to enemies. The […]

Hezbollah fires 35 rockets as Passover starts in Israel, IDF strikes back

The Jerusalem Post  reports: “After the Lebanon-based terror organization fired 35 rockets at Israel’s North on Monday, the IDF responded by striking at the sources of the launches, the military said. The source of the […]

Iran claims: Nuclear weapons have no place in our doctrine

Israel National News reports: “Nuclear weapons have no place in Iran’s nuclear doctrine, the country’s foreign ministry said on Monday, days after a Revolutionary Guards commander warned that Tehran might change its nuclear policy if […]

Weekly Newsletter – April 22, 2024

  • At Peace with Who I Am
  • Revelation 2:12-29
  • Letters We Love
  • Not All Roads Lead to Heaven
  • Animals In Heaven

Palestinian Ruling Party Admits: Hamas Steals Aid, Kills Aid Workers in Gaza

Breitbart.com reports: “Fatah, the “moderate” ruling party of the Palestinian Authority, has admitted on live television that Hamas steals humanitarian aid and kills aid workers in the Gaza Strip. The admission, captured by Palestinian Media […]

Report: Israel planned and canceled major retaliatory strike on Iran

Israel National News reports: “The Israeli government originally planned a far larger retaliatory strike against Iran following Iran’s firing of hundreds of attack UAVs and missiles at the Jewish state on April 13, but ultimately […]

Khamenei hails Iran’s attack on Israel: We demonstrated our power

Israel National News reports: “Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Sunday thanked the country’s armed forces for their attack this month on Israel, saying the country had demonstrated its power regardless of how many […]

North Korea says it has tested ‘super-large warhead’ during cruise missile drill

SpaceWar.com reports: “North Korea said Saturday it has conducted a cruise missile test with what its state-run media called a ‘super-large warhead.’ The surface-to-air missile test took place Friday afternoon over the Sea of Japan, […]

China unveils new cyber force to ‘fight and win’ wars

SpaceWar.com reports: “China announced the creation of a new military cyber corps on Friday, saying it would bolster Beijing’s capacity to ‘fight and win’ wars. The Information Support Force will act as a ‘key support […]