

Pentagon Intelligence Chief: Russia And China Will Have Weapons in Space ‘In the Near Future’

June 28, 2018 — DefenseOne.com reports: “Russia and China are developing new space-based weapons and they’ll be ready ‘in the near future,’ Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley, the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said Tuesday at the Defense One Technology Summit in Washington, D.C.

The countries, which Ashley called ‘competitors,’ are developing ‘the ability to interdict satellites both from a ground standpoint and from a space standpoint,’ he said. ‘The technology is being developed right now. It is coming in the near future.’

It was the most overt admission yet from an intelligence leader that Russia and China were rapidly seeking to weaponize space…”  (And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;  Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.  And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” – Luke 21:25-28.  See the next two reports.)


Russia warns against Trump’s ‘alarming’ plans for US space domination

June 21, 2018 — SpaceDaily.com reports: “Russia on Wednesday expressed alarm over US President Donald Trump’s call for the United States to dominate space exploration and his plan to create a separate branch of the military called a Space Force.

Russian foreign ministry Maria Zakharova said at a briefing that Russia ‘noted the US president’s instructions… to separate space forces from the air force,’ saying ‘the most alarming thing about this news is the aim of his instructions, namely to ensure (US) domination in space.’…”


Russia Tests ‘Invincible’ Hypersonic Cruise Missile

July 20, 2018 — Breitbart.com reports: “The Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Thursday to have successfully tested the Kinzhal hypersonic cruise missile, the weapon described as ‘invincible’ by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the Defense Ministry, the drill ‘worked out the planning, preparation and joint use of Kinzhal air-launched missile systems with the Tu-22M3 missile-carrying bombers.’ Launched from a Tu-22M Backfire bomber, the weapon would theoretically have a range in excess of 3,000 kilometers.

The Defense Ministry posted a video of the test, but the video shows a missile being launched by what appears to be a MiG-31 fighter jet while the Backfire bomber cruises nearby. The launch depicted in the video does not look much different from any other cruise missile firing…”


North Korea Expands Key Missile-Manufacturing Plant

July 2, 2018 — The Wall Street Journal reports: “North Korea is completing a major expansion of a key missile-manufacturing plant, said researchers who have examined new satellite imagery of the site, the latest sign Pyongyang is pushing ahead with weapons programs even as the U.S. pressures it to abandon them.

The facility makes solid-fuel ballistic missiles—which would be able to strike U.S. military installations in Asia with a nuclear weapon with little warning—as well as re-entry vehicles for warheads that Pyongyang might use on longer-range missiles able to hit the continental U.S….”  (North Korea as usual is sending mixed signals lately.  They have expanded this plant, yet have dismantled a satellite launch site called the Sohae Satellite Launching Station.  In May, they also destroyed the above-ground facilities and tunnel entrances at the test site in Punggye-ri.  Even if they give up all nuclear weapons, nuclear war is still prophesied in the Bible – see Revelation 9:18. Other prophesied texts are predicted in Psalm 97:3; Isaiah 66:15; Ezekiel 20:47: “…Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched…” Study also Zephaniah 1:8; Malachi 4:1; and Revelation 8:7.  The Oriental nations along with Iran will be involved in World War III, Armageddon – Revelation 16:16. Iran and the Islamic nations will join Russia – Ezekiel 38 & 39. Then China, North Korea, and Oriental nations will join Russia in the second invasion of Israel – Revelation 16:12 and for the third and final invasion all nations will come against Israel – Isaiah 14:2.  See the next report.) 


 North Korea still upgrading nuclear site at ‘rapid pace,’ satellite images show

June 27, 2018 — The Times of Israel reports: “Satellite images show that North Korea is carrying out rapid improvements to its nuclear research facility, a monitor said on Wednesday, despite the country declaring a commitment to denuclearization of the peninsula at the Singapore summit.

The nuclear-armed North’s leader Kim Jong Un promised to ‘work toward’ the goal at a landmark summit in the city-state earlier this month with US President Donald Trump.

But the Singapore meeting failed to clearly define denuclearization or produce a specific timeline towards dismantling the North’s atomic weapons arsenal…”


North Korea’s Kim hails ‘unity’ with China in new visit

June 21, 2018 — SpaceDaily.com reports: “Kim Jong Un concluded a two-day whirlwind visit to China Wednesday, where he declared North Korea’s unstinting ‘friendship’ with Beijing in a show of loyalty to his main ally following a landmark summit with US President Donald Trump.

It was Kim’s third official visit to China, designed to reassure Beijing that Pyongyang will not neglect its interests as Trump and the young autocrat move into uncharted diplomatic terrain…”  (North Korea marches with Russia and China for the war of the latter years and latter days – Ezekiel 38:8, 16.  Atomic bombs will produce global incineration – Psalms 97:3; Isaiah 66:15; Joel 2:3, 30; Zephaniah 1:18; Malachi 4:1; Revelation 8:7 and 9:18.)


China resets the tone of US-North Korea talks

July 10, 2018 — Asia Times Online reports: “Nobody expected a rapprochement between the United States and North Korea would be easy. And few likely expected China to take advantage of the diplomatic opening to further advance its geo-strategic interests in region.

But US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recent setback in Pyongyang, where North Korean state media effectively referred to America’s top diplomat’s overtures as ‘gangsterism’, showed that’s the case on both fronts.

The US and North Korea, of course, are still technically at war and it was only a few months ago that US President Donald Trump branded North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a madman. Kim retorted by referring to Trump as ‘incurably mentally deranged.’…”  (China and North Korea are prophesied to be top contenders and bloody warriors during the battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16:16. Revelation 16:12 pictures Kings coming to the Middle East, primarily China and North Korea to slay a third-part of mankind in atomic warfare. Revelation 9:14 – 18 the Oriental nations from the East join with Russia – the leader from the North – Daniel 11:44 – for the most horrendous war in history.  See the next two reports.)


Iranian and Chinese Military Boost Defense Ties, Call U.S. ‘Biggest Threat to Humanity’

July 5, 2018 — Breitbart.com reports: “The Iranian Army’s Ground Force Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari met with a delegation from China’s Ministry of National Defense Tuesday to discuss ways to boost defense ties between Tehran and Beijing. Both parties appeared to agree that the United States poses ‘the biggest threat to humanity.’

According to Iran’s state-run Tasnim News agency, Gen. Heidari ‘praised the bilateral relations between Iran and China as age-old and said the two countries are major and influential powers in the region and the world.’ Heidari reportedly then ‘further emphasized that Tehran and Beijing face common threats at the regional and international levels, including the US government’s hegemonic system which is ‘the biggest threat to humanity.’…”


 Xi Jinping to Mattis: China ‘Cannot Lose Even One Inch of Territory’

June 28, 2018 — Breitbart.com reports: “Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday. ‘We cannot lose even one inch of the territory left behind by our ancestors. What is other people’s, we do not want at all,’ Xi informed his American guest.

This is the latest restatement of China’s policy that some sort of ancient birthright gives it rightful control of almost the entire South China Sea, as defined by an imaginary boundary called the ‘Nine-Dash Line.’ The line extends much further out to sea than any ‘exclusive economic zone’ recognized by international arbitrators…”