

Gaza extremists urge Al-Qaida to target Yemen Jews

Haaretz reports: “A group of Muslim extremists in the Gaza Strip that is opposed to Hamas has called on Al-Qaida in Yemen to target Jews there in an effort to drive them from their country -¬part of what the group described as its war against Jews.

According to e-mails sent by a person identifying himself as Ali Hussein, who says he represents a group of Shi’ite guerrillas in northern Yemen opposed to Al-Qaida, a Salafi group based in the Gaza Strip and calling itself the ‘Abu Amir’ group is allegedly calling for attacks on Jewish leaders in northern Yemen. As proof, Hussein sent a scanned hand-written note naming the Jewish targets in Yemen.

In another letter from Yemen, the Salafists detail their extremist views and request that Al-Qaida targets Jews, and also Hamas activists, because ‘the group has completed the work of the Jews by killing members of our group and we would like to deter Jews around the world through you by asking you to kill Yemenite Jews or do anything that you consider right, especially not allowing the representatives of the Hamas government to move about Yemen.’

Another letter states that an Al-Qaida operative in Yemen, who goes by the name of Abdullah al-Hajj, is funding the activities of the Salafis in the Gaza Strip through Egyptian sources, including the transfer of arms into the Strip for their use.

Hussein also claims that Al-Qaida based in Yemen is planning to set up a ‘military base’ in the Sinai peninsula for training, stockpiling arms, acquiring long-range missiles for attacks on Israel, and carrying out raids into Israel…” (The Lord Jesus predicted His people, the Jews, would become a persecuted race – Matthew 24:9; John 16:2.)

Nasrallah: Hezbollah has a right to amass weapons

Haaretz reports: “Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that the Lebanese militia had a ‘legal and humanitarian’ right to amass weapons in order to protect those ‘oppressed and threatened by Israel,’ Israel Radio reported.

The Hezbollah chief was responding to U.S. allegations that Syria had transferred shipments of Scud missiles to Hezbollah, refusing to neither deny nor confirm the claims.

Earlier Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said that ‘complete panic’ was reigning in Lebanon because of fears of an Israeli attack and another war. However, Nasrallah issued a calming message, saying that the reports surrounding the alleged missile shipments sparked uproar, but that he did not believe that they were meant to clear a path for a war with Hezbollah. ‘The atmosphere at this time is not an atmosphere of war,’ he said.

Earlier Syria’s foreign minister said that is was weapons being supplied to Israel by the United States that were destabilizing the region, and not Syrian missiles…” (I Chronicles 21:1 “Satan stood against Israel.” See the next report also.)

Hezbollah vows to continue amassing ‘arms of resistance’

Haaretz reports: “A Hezbollah member of parliament in Lebanon has vowed that the militant Shi’ite group will continue to build its arsenal, media reports.

‘Our choice was and remains to secure all the arms of resistance that we can,’ Hassan Fadlallah was quoted as saying by the Lebanese daily As-Safir.

Fadlallah was hitting back at a statement by U.S. Secretary of Defence Robert Gates accusing Iran and Syria of arming Hezbollah with increasingly sophisticated rockets and missiles, which he said undermined stability in the region.

Gates said that Hezbollah has more missiles than most governments in the world, during a joint press conference with Defense Minister Ehud Barak in Washington.

‘Syria and Iran are providing Hezbollah with so many rockets that they are at a point where they have more missiles than most governments in the world,’ said Gates.

Barak told reporters that Syria was transferring weapons systems to Hezbollah and that Israel is closely watching the developments, though he assured Israel did not plan to provoke a conflict.

‘There is a big difference between arms which only serve invasions, occupations and aggressions, such as those of the United States and its ally Israel … and the arms of a resistance which defends, protects, and liberates,’ Fadlallah said.

Israel and the U.S. have accused Syria of supplying Hezbollah with Scud missiles, which are capable of striking deep into Israel. Both Beirut and Damascus have denied this…”

Netanyahu: Iran inciting to war with lies

YnetNews.com reports: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran of attempting to escalate the relations between Israel and Syria. Speaking during a tour of the Israel Defense Forces’ Northern Command, Netanyahu said that ‘Iran’s recent attempts to incite to war between us and Syria are a completely groundless act.’

Netanyahu added that the Iranians were ‘spreading lies in order to escalate the relations.’

Together with IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, the prime minister attended a military drill in one of the fire practice areas in northern Israel.

‘We want security, stability and peace. Israel has no intention of attacking its neighbors, despite false rumors on this matter,’ said Netanyahu…” (Proverbs 6:16 – 18 states: “These six things doth the LORD hate…” #2, “a lying tongue”, and #6 “a false witness that speaketh lies.” Liars face an eternity in “The Lake of Fire” – Revelation 21:8; 22:15. See next report also.)

Ahmadinejad: Iran does not need to gain West’s trust

YnetNews.com reports: “A defiant Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tehran does not need to gain the trust of the West as it is observing global rules, unlike those who have nuclear arsenals, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Ahmadinejad, on arriving in New York to participate in a review meeting of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), said Western powers are not seeking to build trust with the Islamic Republic, IRNA reported.

‘We should not offer ways to obtain their trust as Iran abides by the international law and acts within its framework,’ Ahmadinejad said as he landed at New York’s JFK airport.

‘Iran is committed to international regulations,’ he said, adding that Western powers ‘who have stockpiled nuclear weapons, have used them and are monopolizing them, are not seeking to build trust’ with Iran.

Ahmadinejad, who has enraged the West with his country’s dogged pursuance of a nuclear program, also said Iran will make ‘practical, fair and clear proposals’ aimed at world security at the NPT conference…”

Khamenei: We won’t allow America to renew its hellish dominance over us

Haaretz reports: “Iran’s supreme leader denounced the U.S. ‘nuclear threats’ against the Islamic Republic, and its elite military force said it would stage war games in a waterway crucial for global oil supplies.

The Revolutionary Guards’ exercises in the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz take place at a time of rising tension between Iran and the West, which fears Tehran’s nuclear program is aimed at developing bombs. Iran denies the charge.

Iran has also reacted angrily to what is sees as U.S. President Barack Obama’s threat to attack it with nuclear arms.

Obama made clear this month that Iran and North Korea were excluded from new limits on the use of U.S. atomic weapons -something Tehran interpreted as a threat from a long-standing adversary.

‘The international community should not let Obama get away with nuclear threats,’ Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said.

‘We will not allow America to renew its hellish dominance over Iran by using such threats,’ he told a gathering of Iranian nurses, the semi-official Fars News Agency reported. Iran was a close U.S. ally before its 1979 Islamic revolution.

Brigadier General Hossein Salami, also quoted by Fars, said three days of maneuvers would start and would show the Guards’ naval strength…” (Dear Imam Khamenei, it doesn’t take America to hold a hellish dominion over your nation. You and Ahmadinejad need no help,)