

China Expands Nuclear Arsenal as Global Tensions Grow

June 12, 2023  Voice of America News reports: “The nuclear arsenals of several countries, especially China, grew last year and other atomic powers continued to modernize theirs as geopolitical tensions rise, researchers said Monday.

‘We are approaching, or maybe have already reached, the end of a long period of the number of nuclear weapons worldwide declining,’ Dan Smith, director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), told AFP.

The total amount of nuclear warheads among the nine nuclear powers — Britain, China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia and the United States — was down to 12,512 at the outset of 2023, from 12,710 at the start of 2022, according to SIPRI.

Of those, 9,576 were in ‘military stockpiles for potential use,’ 86 more than a year earlier.

SIPRI distinguishes between countries’ stockpiles available for use and their total inventory, which includes older ones scheduled to be dismantled…”  (China is prophesied to be a top contender and bloody warrior during the battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16:16. Revelation 16:12 pictures Kings coming to the Middle East, primarily China, to slay a third-part of mankind in atomic warfare. Revelation 9:14 – 18 the Oriental nations from the East join with Russia – the leader from the North – Daniel 11:44 – for the most horrendous war in history.  See the next report.)

China Establishing ‘Commanding Lead’ with Key Military Technologies

June 6, 2023  Voice of America News reports: “Chinese research on some key military technologies is so far ahead that the United States and its key allies may never be able to catch up, according to a new analysis by an Australian think tank.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) issued its findings Tuesday based on a review of the top 10% of the most highly cited research papers, concluding China leads in 19 of 23 key categories, including some that are likely to play a major role in Beijing’s push for military prominence in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.

China ‘has a commanding lead in hypersonics, electronic warfare and in key undersea capabilities,’ the ASPI study found, further warning, ‘China’s leads are so emphatic they create a significant risk that China might dominate future technological breakthroughs in these areas.’

The analysis further found that for hypersonics, nine of the 10 leading research institutions are based in China, while China is home to all 10 of the top research venues for undersea drones…”

Chinese Defense Minister Threatens to Attack Taiwan ‘Without Any Hesitation’

June 6, 2023  Breitbart.com reports: “Chinese National Defense Minister Li Shangfu, making his debut on the international stage, told attendees at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on Sunday that the communist nation’s military would attack ‘without any hesitation’ against any allies of Taiwan seeking to support the nation’s independence from Beijing.

Li spent most of his address at the event, an annual platform for the world’s most powerful military leaders to discuss the future of national defense, promoting the Communist Party’s ‘Global Security Initiative,’ a proposal by genocidal dictator Xi Jinping discouraging countries from acting in the interest of their own defense and instead proposing undefined ‘win-win cooperation’…” (A March 19, 2021 article in The New York TimesTense Talks With China Left U.S. ‘Cleareyed’ About Beijing’s Intentions, Officials Say https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/19/world/asia/china-us-alaska.html states: “Just as Washington’s views on China have shifted after years of encouraging the country’s economic integration, so have Beijing’s perceptions of the United States and the privileged place in the world that it has long held. The Americans, in their view, no longer have an overwhelming reservoir of global influence, nor the power to wield it against China.

That has made China more confident in pursuing its aims openly and unabashedly — from human rights issues in Hong Kong and Xinjiang to territorial disputes with India and Japan and others in the South China Sea to, most contentiously of all, the fate of Taiwan, the self-governing democracy that China claims as its own.

While China still faces enormous challenges at home and around the world, its leaders now act as if history is on their side.”  See the next three reports.)

37 Chinese warplanes cross into Taiwan’s defence zone

June 8, 2023  SpaceWar.com reports: ‘More than 30 Chinese warplanes entered Taiwan’s air defence zone over the course of about six hours, the island’s defence ministry said Thursday, a sharp ramp-up in single-day incursions by China’s military.

China claims self-ruled Taiwan as its territory and has vowed to take it one day — by force if necessary.

In recent years, Beijing has intensified aerial incursions into the island’s air defence identification zone — nearly doubling the air sorties in 2022 compared to the year before.

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence spokesman Sun Li-fang announced Thursday that from 5 am local time (2100 GMT), ‘a total of 37 Chinese military aircrafts’ entered Taiwan’s southwestern ADIZ.

‘Some continued… towards the Western Pacific for long-range reconnaissance training,’ Sun said at around 11 am.

While not the largest number of incursions this year — that would be 45 sorties on April 9 — Thursday’s surge occurred over a much more compressed time frame…”

Eight Chinese warplanes approach waters controlled by Taiwan

June 26, 2023  SpaceWar.com reports: “Taiwan’s defence ministry said Saturday that eight Chinese warplanes had crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and come close to waters under Taipei’s control.

Taiwan lives under constant threat of invasion by China, which views the self-ruled island as part of its territory to be seized one day.

On Saturday, Taiwan’s defence ministry said 19 Chinese warplanes including J-10 and J-16 fighters were detected around the island.

Eight of them crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and approached the island’s contiguous zone, or the band of sea within 24 nautical miles (44 kilometres) of its coast, the ministry said in a statement.

‘Additionally, five PLAN (Chinese navy) vessels conducted joint combat patrol,’ it continued, adding that it was closely monitoring the situation and had deployed its patrol aircraft and vessels in response.

Beijing has ramped up incursions into Taiwan’s air defence identification zone (ADIZ) in recent years as relations between the two sides have plunged…”

Taiwan Reports Chinese Aircraft Carrier Sailed Through Strait 

June 21, 2023  Voice of America News reports: “A Chinese aircraft carrier group led by the vessel Shandong sailed through the sensitive Taiwan Strait on Wednesday, Taiwan’s defense ministry said, amid heightened military tension over the island Beijing claims as its own territory.

The ministry said the Shandong, commissioned in 2019, had sailed in a southerly direction through the western part of the strait, and it had dispatched ‘appropriate forces’ to monitor the Chinese activities.

The aircraft carrier participated in Chinese military drills around Taiwan in April, operating in the western Pacific. In March last year, it sailed through the Taiwan Strait, just hours before the leaders of China and the U.S. were due to talk…”