

Russia’s Medvedev hints at future Russian invasion of Georgia

August 23, 2023The Jerusalem Post reports: “The deputy chair of the Russian security council Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow may annex Georgia’s breakaway regions South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

‘The idea of joining Russia is still popular in Abkhazia and South Ossetia,’ Medvedev, a former Russian president, wrote in an article published early on Wednesday by Argumenty I Fakty newspaper.

‘It could quite possibly be implemented if there are good reasons for that,’ said Medvedev, who has cast himself as one of Russia’s most hawkish political voices since its forces invaded Ukraine starting in February 2022…”  (According to a 2015 article in The Week magazine: Russian President Vladimir Putin has never hidden his nostalgia for the days of the Soviet Union. He worked as a spy at the KGB, lamented the end of communism, restored lyrics chosen by former Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin to the Russian national anthem, and marshaled Soviet-style military parades in Moscow…

His most direct praise of the old Soviet Union came in 2005, when he shocked the west in a speech to the Russian people. He told them that the end of the USSR was essentially a mistake:

‘Above all, we should acknowledge that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century, Putin said in an address to the Russian people…’ See the next report.)

Putin Ally: When We Finish with Ukraine, We’re Going Into Europe

August 22, 2023PJMedia.com reports: “The conflict in Ukraine has been threatening to become a world war for a considerable period, and if one key ally of Vladimir Putin gets his way, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Russia’s Chechen Republic, is enraged about ongoing incidents of desecration of the Qur’an in Sweden and Denmark, and he has now vowed to ‘deal with’ those countries once he and his allies take care of Ukraine. Denmark is a NATO state, and Sweden has been making a concerted effort to join. If Kadyrov’s threat actually came to pass, it would mean World War III — unless, that is, the West throws the freedom of expression overboard, which it very well may do in order to defuse this situation.

Russia’s state-controlled RT reported Friday that Kadyrov views the desecration of the Qur’an as just another manifestation of the West’s decadence, and he is frustrated with what he sees as the inaction of Muslim leaders in the face of these repeated provocations…”

Russian intel. director: America no longer dominates international field

August 23, 2023The Jerusalem Post reports: “Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergei Naryshkin has said the world is no longer a unipolar or bipolar field dominated by America and its interests at the 11th Moscow Conference on International Security last Tuesday, Russian state media TASS news reported on the same day.

‘It has become much more complex,’ Naryshkin said. ‘It can be said that this is no longer an even American lawn, but a lush garden in which a hundred flowers bloom. In all regions of the planet, there is an increase in national consciousness, a desire to strengthen regional integration.’

TASS noted that the comments came in response to remarks from the European Union’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, who likened the European Union to a garden surrounded by jungle. The Russian intelligence chief slammed the comments as an example of ‘neo-colonial attitudes among the Euro-Atlantic elites.’

Rather, Naryshkin stated, there will be an increasing diversity in nations that seek to assert their place on the world stage, no longer to be shut out by an exclusionary Western hegemony…”  (Russia preparing to fulfill Ezekiel 38:1, 2, 8, 16; Joel 2:3, 20, 30 for the Armageddon campaign – Revelation 16:16 – which will be fought against America, the EU and the entire Western World. Islamic armies will align themselves with Russia and China for holy jihad – holy war – Ezekiel 38:13; Daniel 11:40; Isaiah 17:1; Ezekiel 38:5-7; Psalm 83: 4 – 7.)

Russia Launches Baltic Naval Drills, Ratcheting Up Tensions With European Neighbors

August 3, 2023Voice of America News reports: “Russia’s Ministry of Defense said it began live-fire naval exercises Wednesday in the Baltic Sea, ratcheting up tensions with nearby European nations that are already high over NATO and Ukraine.

Russia last carried out mass military exercises in the Baltic Sea in June, two months after Finland became NATO’s newest member. The drills took place at the same time NATO was holding its own Baltic Sea exercises.

The Russian exercises announced Wednesday will involve more personnel and aircraft than the last round and will feature the use of live weapons. The Russian defense ministry said the navy’s commander-in-chief, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, will oversee the drills, which were designed to test ‘the navy’s readiness to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation in an operationally important area.’

The Ocean Shield-2023 exercises will involve forces practicing how to ‘protect sea lanes, transport troops and military cargo, as well as defend the coastline,’ the ministry said. More than 200 combat exercises will involve some 6,000 personnel, 30 warships and boats and 30 aircraft, it added…”  (Russia in Bible prophecy is the main instigator of death and suffering during Armageddon – Revelation 16:16.  Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39, which Dr. Van Impe proclaimed for sixty years, aided by Oriental and Islamic nations, bring total chaos and atomic devastation upon the world.  Worse yes, it’s just ahead of us.  Every nation he included in World War III is forming exactly as taught this global blood bath six decades ago.  The only good news is that the Rapture precedes Armageddon – Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth – Revelation 3:10.  Then our deliverance as believers – Revelation 4:1 and our joy because of missing Armageddon.  See the next report.)

Russian warship fires warning shots to stop cargo ship in Black Sea

August 16, 2023SpaceWar.com reports: “Russian naval forces in the Black Sea forced a cargo ship heading to a Ukrainian port to stop after firing warning shots, Russia’s Defense Ministry said Sunday.

The Palau-flagged dry cargo ship Sukru Okan was on its way to the port of Izmail early on Sunday when it was intercepted by Black Sea Fleet’s patrol ship Vasily Bykov for inspection, the ministry said in a statement carried by the official Russian news agency Tass.

The ship’s captain failed to respond to demands to stop for inspection, resulting in warning shots being fired from automatic small arms, the officials said.

A helicopter carrying a Russian inspection team took off from the Vasily Bykov and landed on the Sukru Okan after the latter ship’s captain was contacted via radio, according to the ministry.

‘After the inspection group completed its work aboard the Sukru Okan, the vessel continued sailing towards the port of Izmail,’ its statement said. ‘The Black Sea Fleet’s ships continue patrols in the designated areas.’

Russia warned last month it assume that all vessels bound for Ukrainian ports via the Black Sea could be potential carriers of miliary supplies for Kyiv following President Vladimir Putin’s withdrawal from a United Nations-brokered grain deal…”

Russia and China Sent Large Naval Patrol Near Alaska

August 7, 2023The Wall Street Journal reports: “A combined Russian and Chinese naval force patrolled near the coast of Alaska last week in what U.S. experts said appeared to be the largest such flotilla to approach American shores.

Eleven Russian and Chinese ships steamed close to the Aleutian Islands, according to U.S. officials. The ships, which never entered U.S. territorial waters and have since left, were shadowed by four U.S. destroyers and P-8 Poseidon aircraft.

‘It is a historical first,’ said Brent Sadler, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a retired Navy captain. ‘Given the context of the war in Ukraine and tensions around Taiwan, this move is highly provocative.’

A spokesman for the U.S. Northern Command confirmed that Russia and China had carried out a combined naval patrol near Alaska, but didn’t specify the number of ships or their precise location…”  (China will become a basic partner with Russia for the rapidly approaching battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16:16. Russia will lead invasion number one – Ezekiel 38 & 39. China will lead invasion number two – Revelation 16:12; Revelation 9:14 – 16. Then all nations will come against Jerusalem for the final invasion at which point Jesus will return to stop the bloodshed and set up his eternal kingdom upon earth – [He gathers] all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken… Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south – Zechariah 14:2 – 4. Then Psalm 2:6 occurs as God the Father says: …I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion [Jerusalem].  See the next report.)

Russia, North Korea Aim for Closer Cooperation

August 16, 2023Voice of America News reports: “Russia and North Korea on Tuesday advocated closer collaboration including in the defense sector, the latest show of deepening ties between the countries at odds with the United States.

Moscow and Pyongyang — both increasingly isolated from the West and weighted with sanctions — have drawn closer since the Kremlin deployed troops to Ukraine and commenced large-scale hostilities last year.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ‘stressed the need to further develop tactical and strategic cooperation and interaction between the two countries in the fields of defense and security,’ the country’s defense minister said in a statement carried by the state-run RIA Novosti agency.

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier Tuesday called for deeper ties, in a congratulatory message to Kim marking his country’s National Liberation Day…”