
Germany Warns Netanyahu It Will Execute Any ICC Arrest Warrants Against Him

Breitbart.com reports: “Germany warned Wednesday it will arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he enters the country following allegations of war crimes by the International Criminal Court (ICC), a spokesperson has confirmed.

Asked by reporters in Berlin if Germany would execute any ICC arrest warrants if issued against Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Steffen Hebestreit, a spokesman for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, said, ‘Of course. Yes, we abide by the law,’ Politico reported.

If ICC judges grant the requested warrants, 124 countries across the world – including every member of the European Union – will be obliged to arrest Netanyahu and Gallant on sight. It is the first time in the court’s history that a sitting Western-backed leader has been targeted by the international court in this manner…”

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