
Weekly Newsletter – June 17, 2024




Paying the price

There is a price to be paid for serving God. Those who are not sold out, soul and body, to their commitment to Christ and their calling to His commission may find the Christian lifestyle too arduous and difficult. Some have turned back and said, “This is not for me.” But many, many others have given their all to the cause of Christ-they became addicts who gave themselves so completely to the Lord that they could do nothing else.

We have a great host of tremendous examples, all the way back to the first disciples. All of them became martyrs for the Lord-they were all murdered for their faith, every single one. And there are other great Christian champions in almost every era.

Some years ago Jack and I were in Europe visiting England, where I was privileged to interview some noted church leaders in that country. During a visit to historic Westminster Abbey, I was particularly drawn to the burial site of David Livingstone, the renowned missionary to Africa.

Livingstone was born into a poor Scottish family, and began working fourteen-hour days in the cotton mill at age 10. He went to night school for two hours after work each day, and would also prop books on his machine so he could study while working. Later he studied medicine and theology in Glasgow, and soon felt called to go to Africa as a missionary.

Asked why he would leave Britain to go to the “dark continent,” where he most likely would give his life and die, Livingstone said simply, “I am compelled by the love of Christ.”

For the next thirty years he served God in Africa as a missionary preacher, physician, scientist, anti-slavery activist, and explorer. He trekked over and mapped an amazing one-third of the continent. When Livingstone died on May 1, 1873, kneeling by his cot in prayer, his faithful African friends buried his heart at the foot of a giant tree, mummified his body and carried it almost a thousand miles to the coast. A ship carried his remains to London, where he was buried in Westminster Abbey on April 18, 1874. That day was an official day of national mourning in England.

When I stood in that famous old church and read the memorial marker for Livingstone, I was impressed by both his total life sacrifice and his remarkable accomplishments for the Lord. “Compelled by the love of Christ,” he helped change the course of history in Africa and strike a powerful blow against slavery world-wide.

Buried next to Livingstone in Westminster Abbey is his brother, John. While David was preparing himself for a lifetime of missionary service, John’s ambition was to find a way to earn lots of money. Apparently he was successful and became very wealthy. I believe he also became a famous cricket player, and enjoyed fame and adulation in addition to his affluent lifestyle.

None of these things were worthy of consideration when John’s memorial marker was inscribed. There is no mention of his wealth, fame, or position. The marker reads simply: John Livingstone, The brother of David Livingstone.”

Isn’t that astounding? All of John’s riches and privileged lifestyle amounted to nothing in the end. But David Livingstone’s addiction to the gospel-being compelled by the love of Christ-will be recognized forever, both here and in heaven.

I lived with an addict!

For an example of a person “addicted” to the work of the Lord, let me take you a little closer to home-in fact, to my home. I have had the privilege of spending a lifetime with my dear husband, Dr. Jack Van Impe. And from the beginning of our life together, I realized that he was absolutely an addict when it came to serving the Lord.

For many years we traveled all over the world ministering in churches, later in large community auditoriums, and doing everything possible to win souls to our Lord. In those days we spent far more time on the road than we did at home. It took dedication, hard work, and an all-consuming passion for soul-winning and for giving people hope and comfort in a troubled world.

But that’s not all. There is absolutely no way for me to fully describe Jack’s determination-no, compulsion!-to memorize the Word of God. For weeks, months, years, he spent hours every day studying handwritten cards with Bible verses written on them. Not only did he memorize each verse and where it was found in the Bible, but also its subject. That’s why today, it’s not unusual to hear him quote a dozen verses from various parts of the Bible relating to a specific topic. It’s amazing, even to me after all these years.

But I know what it cost him-hours and hours and hours of daily study to memorize them…and ongoing hours and hours every year to review and refresh those verses in his mind, even today.

And that’s still not all. For many, many years now, Jack averaged reading at least one book a day, studying the Bible and prophetic topics, as well as history, current events, and international politics. When he speaks so authoritatively on television, applying the Word of God to today’s news about events and world leaders, he knows what he is talking about. He is an absolute addict to his ministry!

By the way, Jack and I produced fifty television programs a year, in addition to the videos, books, magazines, and other ministry projects. The average TV sitcom does only twenty-seven or twenty-eight shows per year. We’ve been producing fifty programs annually for years. Is the extra work worth it? Absolutely! We get thousands of letters from people who say they prayed the prayer with Jack at the end of the program and accepted Christ into their hearts.

When we would go out to a restaurant or a shopping center, we’re were almost always bombarded by people who’ve seen us on TV and just want to say hello or share a brief testimony. One evening we were stopped nineteen times on a short walk.

Our office has record of more than two million precious people who have come to Christ through the outreaches of Jack Van Impe Ministries. At a time when others might be thinking of slowing down, he still is addicted to helping others open their hearts and lives to our Lord! Full speed ahead!

Are you an addict?

What about you? Even if you are not called to a pulpit ministry, or to minister on television, or in a church setting, I believe God has given you a special gift to share with others. There is a way you can serve the Lord-in fact; there may well be people you can reach with the gospel who might not respond to anyone else in the whole world.

Wherever God has placed you is your mission field! How can you be a witness to those in your world? Are you taking advantage of your unique opportunities to be used of the Lord?

What if you set a goal to share a testimony, a word of witness, or to stand up for what is right at least once each day? You wouldn’t have to be a preacher, or have dozens of Bible verses memorized, or be a trained counselor. What if you just shared what God has done in your life? If you are willing to do it, someone will listen!

Become an addict for good, for God…driven by an all-consuming passion to do something-anything-for the Lord today.


Revelation 6:9-17

Fifth seal

Next, the opening of the fifth seal brings forth the cries of slain martyrs. Jesus spoke of this hour in Matthew 24:9, 10. Hear Him: Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

Please read chapter 4 again. Rediscover that this reference is to Tribulation saints composed of elect Israelites and those Gentiles converted by the preaching of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. These persecuted saints and martyrs are not part of the Church-the body of Christ and the bride of the Saviour-already in glory (chapter 4, verse 1).

Verse 9: And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

Verse 10: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

Verse 11: And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

These martyred saints are seen under the altar. In the Old Testament, the altar always referred to the place where blood had been sacrificed. Souls will be saved during the Tribulation hour the same way souls are saved today-through the precious shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because the believers of the Tribulation hour proclaim Christ crucified, they lose their lives. At this point every twenty-first century believer should ask himself the question, “Would there be enough evidence to convict me as a Christian during this period of time were I present?” However, in this age of grace, we also will be the losers if we attempt to be secret disciples, never testifying of our faith in Christ Jesus. The Saviour said, Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven (Matthew 10:32, 33).

Please listen to this next statement carefully. These slain martyrs are crying. They are not in an unconscious state. The doctrine of “soul sleep” is not taught in the Bible. Some denominations teach that all believers sleep until the resurrection morning. Not so! Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:8, To be absent from the body [is] to be present with the Lord.

The “soul sleep” adherents can never find a time when they are absent from their bodies. If the soul remains in a state of sleep in that body until the morning of Christ’s return, the two are never separated. The Bible teaches that they are separated. The body is asleep in one place (the grave), whereas the soul is alive in another place (heaven or hell). For the Christian, to be absent from the body means to be present with the Lord. That is why Paul said, To die is gain (Philippians 1:21).

It is also the reason that, when Christ returns at the Rapture, He brings those who sleep (the dead) with Him: For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him (1 Thessalonians 4:14). Now, how can the Lord bring the dead with Him and still come after the dead in 1 Thessalonians 4:16? Simple. It’s because the dead are in two places! The souls and spirits are with the Lord (absent from the body and present with the Lord), but their bodies are in the grave. Hence, Christ brings the dead-the souls and spirits already in His presence-with Him, so they may come to get their bodies. That’s why the dead in Christ rise first. But all this pictures’ the Rapture. The text under investigation describes a later time-the Tribulation hour.

It is then that the spirits of the martyred Tribulation saints cry. They also wear white robes. Lifeless spirits cannot cry or wear white robes. The solution? The spiritual being has a temporary covering. Proof: For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved [dead], we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens (2 Corinthians 5:1). We may not understand everything about the spirit world, but one thing is certain- being in spirit form does not mean unconsciousness. Spirits move, talk, cry, and even wear white robes. Demons also are spirits. They spoke on many occasions in the Gospels. Why? Spirits live! Away with the doctrine of “soul sleep” in any dispensation! Our loved ones are with Jesus if they died trusting in the merits of the shed blood. They are also under the altar, just as these Tribulation saints will be. Soon they will come forth for their eternal covering, their bodies.

Now, since we have learned that it is possible for the dead to cry because the spirit never ceases to exist, we next discover that their cry is one of vengeance. Why? They are not under grace, the love covenant. Instead, they want blood. Stephen, under grace, cried, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge (Acts 7:60). But this is a different dispensation-the fulfillment of the hour mentioned by David when he spoke of the actions of Jehovah, saying, He maketh inquisition for blood (Psalm 9:12). This group of saints knows that prophecy is being fulfilled, and they wonder how much longer their loved ones, still alive, must suffer. The Lord speaks to them about having a little more patience. There will be one more wave of persecution in chapter 20, verse 4. Then they will live and reign with Him for 1,000 years.

Sixth seal

Verse 12: And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sack-cloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Verse 13: And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

Verse 14: And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

Verse 15: And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

Verse 16: And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

Verse 17: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

In verse 12, we see a great earthquake. There are four quakes in the Book of Revelation-the one mentioned here plus three others in Revelation chapter 8, verse 5, chapter 11, verse 13, and chapter 16, verses 18 and 19. It is interesting to note that the judgments of the first four seals were under the jurisdiction of the Antichrist. The opening of the sixth seal, however, begins the administration of supernatural judgment from heaven. One cannot conscientiously interpret these events figuratively. The judgments occurring in this portion of Scripture are to be taken literally. And why not? Do you know that earthquakes have accompanied the judgment of God throughout history? Mount Sinai quaked when God descended upon it in fire: And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly (Exodus 19:18). Rocks were smashed to smithereens through earthquakes in Elijah’s day: For, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord (1 Kings 19:11).

There was also a great earthquake when Christ died at Calvary: Behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose (Matthew 27:51, 52). If all these quakes were real, why wouldn’t the scene before us be literal? It is exactly what Jesus predicted for the Tribulation hour. He said, And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken (Luke 21:25, 26).

At this time the earthquakes and convulsions upon earth are so great that the stars of heaven fall like figs being shaken out of a tree prematurely. Strong winds, possible tornados, and hurricanes also wreak great havoc. The devastating quakes cause mountains and islands to be moved from their foundations. No wonder one-half of the world’s population dies through the manifold catastrophes that bombard the earth. The scene is so terrifying that kings, great men, rich men, chief captains, mighty men, bondmen, and all free men hide in dens and mountains for safety. Now we understand Christ’s statement: Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth (Luke 21:26). The situation becomes so unbearable that humanity pleads to die, begging for obliteration and annihilation by crying to the mountains and rocks saying, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Revelation 6: 16, 17).

Thank God, the Church is in heaven during this calamitous hour!

CHANGED LIVES-one at a time

Dear Rexella,

So glad to have the ability to see and hear you again, this time online. God has blessed the World by your messages of His Love and also His Accountability. Please never, never give up your calling. We have your Bible which educates us by your personal reflection. We love you.

Bill & Gail B.

Thank you for all you share with us that is the truth. As you know, many pastors seem to be afraid to preach the whole truth that is in the scriptures. We need the truth to be able to discuss Jesus with others to glorify the Kingdom.

May God bless you and keep you always!

Charlotte C.


Caught Up: The Case for The Rapture

We are living in the Rapture Generation!

One day, and it may not be so long from now, Jesus will come in the clouds, ready to take His children home. Those who are “in Christ” will be “caught up” with Jesus, spared the unparalleled terror of the Tribulation.

Bible prophecy can be confusing…even daunting. But a detailed study of God’s Word brings hope, shines light on His glorious plan, and gives us, as His people, great impetus to share Him boldly with the world while there is still time.

In the pages of this booklet, you’ll discover truths about the Rapture and gain tremendous, hope-giving insight into what happens after God’s people are rescued from this earth.

Trust Him. His plan for you is good!

Jesus the Only Way

Jesus is! He’s so good, perfect, and kind! And He’s the only way to heaven Believe in Him Today!

We live in such a confused, chaotic world! And yet there is hope to be found in the person of Jesus Christ and in His completed work at Calvary

Let us never wash down the message or attempt to combine it with the false messages of other religions Jesus is God’s gift to us, and by believing in Him, we are assured an eternity in heaven!

This little booklet answers many of the questions Drs Jack and Rexella Van Impe were asked through the years about Jesus, the possibility of One World Religion and God’s divine plan through the work of His Son on the cross

May the truths presented herein bring hope encouragement and joyful anticipation for the future we’ll spend sitting at the feet of Jesus!