
Netanyahu warns of preemptive attack as Tehran speaks of Israel’s annihilation

The Jerusalem Post reports: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran and Hezbollah of preemptive attacks, while Tehran spoke of the Jewish state’s annihilation and the region braced for the possibility of a second direct confrontation between the two arch-foes.

‘We are prepared both defensively and offensively,’ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated during a visit Wednesday to the IDF induction base at Tel Hashomer.

‘I know that the citizens of Israel are concerned, and I ask one thing of you: Be patient and level-headed,’ he said.’We are striking our enemies and are determined to defend ourselves.’

The prime minister spoke with inductees at the base amid a tense week as Israel braced for potential reprisal attacks by Iran and its proxy groups, including Hezbollah, which has already been battling the IDF along the country’s northern border with Lebanon for close to 11 months…”

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