
Former PM Naftali Bennett calls for strike on Iran’s nuclear program

The Jerusalem Post reports: “Former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett called for a strike on Iran’s nuclear program following Israel’s progress in Gaza and its ground invasion in Lebanon in a Tuesday post to X/Twitter.

‘Now that the main proxies of Iran’s terror, Hezbollah and Hamas, are weakened, Israel finally has an opportunity to strike Iran’s nuclear program,’ Bennet wrote. ‘This is a one-time opportunity, and we cannot miss it.’

‘We can strike hard against Iran’s nuclear program, which casts a heavy shadow over our future,’ the former prime minister continued. ‘We have the power to secure the future of our children and grandchildren. The Iranian regime of terror and murder is now exposed and vulnerable for the first time. Even the Iranian people are yearning for its downfall. This is a once-in-a-lifetime window of opportunity where we have both the legitimacy and the capability to damage the Iranian regime and its nuclear program severely.’…”

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