
Prof. Anne Bayefsky: UN report blames Israel, not Hamas, for starvation of hostages

Israel National News reports: “Professor Anne Bayefsky, Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and President of Human Rights Voices, spoke to Arutz Sheva – Israel National News about a newly-released United Nations report downplaying the atrocities Hamas committed during the October 7 massacre while excoriating Israel for its response to the massacre.

‘The United Nations has just released a report that is a full-throated effort to emasculate the Jewish state and terrorize its supporters. The new report was produced by a UN ‘Commission of Inquiry’ created by the UN ‘Human Rights’ Council back in 2021. It is headed by the notoriously anti-Israel campaigner, Navi Pillay, the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,’ Prof. Bayefsky said…

Prof. Bayefsky continued, ‘The inquiry’s agenda was made plain from volume one, which was issued in June of this year. Released after months of so-called investigation, the report multiplied the trauma suffered by Jewish women and girls and their families. ‘Concerning rape,’ the inquisitors said, ‘the Commission…has not been able to independently verify such allegations’ and ‘the Commission was also unable to verify reports of sexualized torture and genital mutilation.’‘

‘The UN ‘experts’ couldn’t verify the atrocities that Palestinian terrorists themselves had no shame in video-taping and sharing online with the world,’ she said…”

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