China holds ‘shooting’ drills off Taiwan’s coast, vows ‘reunification’ push
Voice of America News reports: “China’s military held ‘shooting training’ on Wednesday off Taiwan’s southwest coast in a move Taipei described as provocative and dangerous, while a senior Chinese leader vowed unswerving efforts to bring the island under Beijing’s control.
Democratically governed Taiwan, which China views as its own territory, has repeatedly complained of Chinese military activities, including several rounds of full-scale war games over the past three years.
From shortly before 9 a.m. local time, Taiwan’s defense ministry said in a statement, it had detected 32 Chinese military aircraft carrying out a ‘joint combat readiness drill’ with Chinese warships in the Taiwan Strait area.
‘During this period it even blatantly violated international practice by setting up a drills area in waters about 40 nautical miles (74 km) off the coast … without prior warning, claiming that it would carry out ‘shooting training,’‘ it added…”
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