
“Islamonazis”? No, the Nazis were Islam lite

In an Op-Ed by Dr. Anjuli Pandavar, Israel National News reports: “‘Islamonazi’ and ‘Islamofascist’ reveal ignorance of Islam, which encompasses much more than Nazism or fascism ever could. Contrary to common assumptions, such terms downplay the nightmare that is Islam. It is easy to fall into seeing Islam as ‘just another religion’ and perceive those of its adherents who wouldn’t hurt a fly as practising a milder variant of the religion of their more bloodthirsty brethren.

Some non-Muslims even do their ‘moderate’ Muslim friends the favour of expelling their ‘extremist’ counterparts out of the category ‘Muslim’ and relegating them to a new category, ‘Islamists’, who, once so expelled, no longer practise Islam, but ‘Islamism’. In this simplistic mind-game, the proponents of ‘Islamism’ have yet to identify the Islamist scripture that is not a Muslim scripture, an Islamist ritual that is not a Muslim ritual, the Islamist doctrine that is not a Muslim doctrine, the Islamist prophet who is not the Muslim prophet and the Islamist Allah who is not the Muslim Allah. When they ‘clarify’ that Muslims want to live in peace, while ‘Islamists’ want to take over the state, they merely confirm their ignorance of Islam.

While Islamonazi, Islamofascist and Islamist all betray ignorance of Islam, the difference between the first two and the third is that the first two attempt to show how bad Islam is, while the third tries to show how good Islam is. The first two are honest, but mistaken; the third is deceptive. While the first two seek to be more accurate and fail, the third tries to mislead and succeeds…”

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