
God Is Omnipotent

God is all-powerful. Theologians call this attribute “omnipotence.” To most of us that just means that God can do anything.

The first verse in the Bible guarantees God’s limitless power: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Still, the mind of man has continually staggered at God’s ability to perform many of the miracles recorded in His Word.

How inconsistent!

The God who formed the seas could easily open one of them for His people to cross dry-shod. The God who feeds the angels could easily drop enough from heaven’s table to feed the Israelites in the wilderness. The God who called forth water from the first spring could easily open a new fountain in a rock so that thirsty people could drink. The God who filled the seas with life could easily prepare a great fish perfectly designed to swallow backslidden and disobedient Jonah. The God who laid the foundations of the earth could easily cause it to tremble beneath the walls of Jericho until the mighty fortress fell. The God who holds the wind in His hands could easily call for a calm on the Sea of Galilee when it was raging in a storm. The God who engineered the human body could easily give ability to the lame to walk and the blind to see. The God who gave life could easily return it to one from whom it had taken flight.

And the God who knows your tomorrows can easily carry you through the darkest day.