
Author: Grant Cornelius

Weekly Newsletter – May 27, 2019

  • Daniel’s Response: Daniel 7:15 – 27
  • Peace in a Troubled World
  • Letters we Love
  • The Great Escape
  • The Impending Islamic Takeover

Weekly Newsletter – May 20, 2019

  • The Plot Thickens – and Will Get Thicker
  • Dealing With Depression
  • Letters we Love
  • Beware: False Prophets, Damnable Heresies & Doctrines of Demons
  • Animals in Heaven?

Weekly Newsletter – May 13, 2019

  • Daniel 7:1-14
  • At Peace with Who I Am
  • Letters we Love
  • Eternity: Who? Where? When? Why?
  • Revelation Rumblings

Weekly Newsletter – May 6, 2019

  • Daniel 6:16 – 28
  • The Myths of our Age – Part 2
  • Letters we Love
  • The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament
  • The Jewish People: Rejected or Beloved?

Weekly Newsletter – April 29,, 2019

  • Daniel 6:4 – 15
  • The Myths of our Age
  • Letters we Love
  • The Final 7 Signs
  • Enemies of the Cross

Weekly Newsletter – April 22, 2019

  • Daniel 5:29 – 31, 6:1-3
  • Searching for security in a world without meaning
  • Letters we Love
  • The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament
  • Coming Soon: Earth’s Golden Age

Weekly Newsletter – April 15, 2019

  • Daniel 5:17 – 28
  • UH-HUH!
  • Letters we Love
  • The Final 7 Signs
  • Final Prophecy Happening Now – Prepare!

Weekly Newsletter – April 8, 2019

  • Daniel 5:5 – 16
  • Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
  • Letters we Love
  • Who is Jesus?
  • Alcohol: The Beloved Enemy

Weekly Newsletter – April 1, 2019

  • DANIEL 5:1 – 4
  • Why Humility is Something Good
  • Letters we Love
  • The Final 7 Signs
  • The Startling Truth About Angels & Demons

Weekly Newsletter – March 25, 2019

  • Daniel 4:28 – 37
  • Just to Say, “Thank You!”
  • Letters we Love
  • The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament
  • The Jewish People: Rejected or Beloved?

Weekly Newsletter – March 18, 2019

  • Daniel’s Response to the Dream – Daniel 4: 19 – 27
  • I’m Looking . . . But Which Way?
  • Letters we Love
  • The Truth About Heaven
  • Thy Kingdom Come – Arriving Soon!

Weekly Newsletter – March 11, 2019

  • DANIEL 4:1-19
  • Is God Listening?
  • Letters we Love
  • The Prophetic Voice of Dr. Jack Van Impe
  • The Final Three Popes Signal Christ’s Return