
Author: Grant Cornelius


  • ‘One Iranian Nuke, 3 Million Dead Israelis’
  • Bibi showdown with Iran a ‘replay of Bible story’
  • Israeli Officials: Plenty ‘New’ In PM’s Iran Speech
  • Arab paper: Obama only one not to understand Mideast
  • From the Extreme Left: ‘Netanyahu is Right on Iran’
  • Bennett: Iran Deal Will Go Down in Infamy 100 Years From Now
  • Iran’s New Missile Puts Israel ‘in Range’


  • FBI Director: ISIS Tentacles Reach into All 50 U.S. States
  • Intel: ISIS planning attacks on U.S. soil
  • Al Shabaab calls for attack on Mall of America in new video
  • Iran cleric vows to ‘raise flag of Islam on White House’


  • ISIS ‘Morality Police’ Rules with Iron Fist
  • Islamic State militants ‘burn to death 45 in Iraq’
  • Daesh-inspired boys set fire to friend in Yemen
  • ISIS: Burning of Jordanian Pilot Consistent with Islamic Law, History
  • ISIS Arrests Woman over Exposed Eyes


  • Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith
  • Saudi executions set ‘unprecedented’ pace
  • Iran blinds acid attacker in ‘eye for an eye’ punishment


  • Victim says “Glad I am Christian” comment got him stabbed in the face
  • Franklin Graham: New Obama danger for Christians
  • Rev. Graham: America is ‘Morally Crumbling Within’
  • Public school has students ‘bowing to the sun god’
  • Iraqi Christians: ‘Why will no one speak out for us?’
  • India: Rash of Attacks on Christians Fuels Climate of Fear
  • War on Christians: ISIS Goes on Church-Burning and Kidnapping Spree in Syria
  • Boko Haram Takes a Page from the ISIS Playbook with Beheading Video
  • Boko Haram pledges allegiance to Islamic State in audio message

March 30, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEDaniel 10:10-17And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.And he said unto me, O Daniel, a […]

March 23, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEVisions and Beasts No More. . . Daniel Sees JesusChapter ten of the Book of Daniel is the introduction to his last recorded revelation and is the […]

March 16, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEKing Jesus Will ReignHowever, there is a second part to this prophecy that refers to the presentation of Jesus Christ as King. Note there are two princes […]

March 9, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEDaniel 9:20-27And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my […]

March 2, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEDaniel 9:1 – 19God’s Ultimate Program for IsraelWhat you are about to read is a reflection on one of the most important chapters in the Book of […]


  • ISIS ‘Held Public Screenings’ of Pilot Being Burned to Death
  • ISIS is crucifying and burying children alive, says UN
  • ISIS Confirms it Executed Japanese Hostage
  • Islamic State says it has beheaded second Japanese hostage Goto
  • ISIS Executes Imams for Condemning Burning of Jordanian Pilot
  • ISIS Executes Ten More Doctors in Mosul for Refusing to Treat Jihadis
  • ISIS Photo Dump Reveals New Crucifixions, Man Thrown Off Roof in Mosul
  • Islamic State Continues Expansion Into New Areas, Eyes Mecca & Medina
  • ISIS Plans On Killing ‘Hundreds of Millions’ in ‘Religious Cleansing’


  • More than 100 killed by Boko Haram in Cameroon
  • Boko Haram ‘Abducts’ 50 Children In Cameroon
  • Boko Haram Displaces 1.6 Million Nigerians in Five Years