
Author: Grant Cornelius

Al-Qaeda vs. Islamic State

  • Al-Qaeda chief Zawahiri launches al-Qaeda in South Asia
  • Indian Muslims Reject al-Qaida Call for Jihad
  • Metro Detroit Muslim leaders denounce ISIS as ‘crazy criminals’
  • Islamic authority in Egypt launches campaign against Islamic State
  • Boko Haram on course to create an Islamic state in Nigeria
  • Hezbollah sees Islamic State insurgents as threat to Gulf, Jordan
  • Rise of Islamic State Significant Development in Jihadism
  • 1 common link among world’s most brutal terrorists

News From Israel and the Middle East

  • Israel worried by increasing Islamist presence on Syria border
  • Hamas Cleric Calls for ‘Jihad for the Sake of Allah’
  • Nasrallah: Israel is a cancer and the ultimate goal should be to remove it
  • Kissinger: Iran is a bigger threat than Islamic State

Contending For the Faith

  • Pastor imprisoned in Iran faces death for ‘spreading corruption on Earth’
  • 5-year-old Christian boy cut in half by ISIS
  • Obama silent on crisis threatening 200,000
  • Destroying churches part of ‘Islamic doctrine’
  • Satanic ‘black mass’ gets green light from U.S. city

Worldwide Islamic State Threat

  • U.S. Eyes Islamic State Threat
  • Texas facing ‘clear and present threat’ from ISIS
  • Expert: ‘Imminent’ ISIS threat to U.S. power grid
  • Canadian Report Reveals Jihadists are Returning
  • Islamic State recruiting in Canada, local imam warns
  • British Islamic State Terrorist Threatens to ‘Come Home’
  • ‘Act now or face terror on Britain’s streets’
  • Islamic State Terrorists in Russian Jets: ‘Putin, You’re Next’
  • German Intel Chief: IS Attack in Europe Just a Matter of Time
  • Saudi King Warns West Will Be Jihadists’ Next Target

September 29, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEDANIEL 3:1-7Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain […]

September 22, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEKingdoms Come… Kingdoms GoMarduk, Babylon’s chief god, was also called the “god of gold”-something that surely did not escape the king’s notice. In fact, the precious metal […]

September 15, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEDaniel 2:25 – 30Then Arioch brought in Daniel before the king in haste, and said thus unto him, I have found a man of the captives of […]

September 8, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEA King Dreams… A King Is ConfusedDANIEL 2:1-13And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his […]

Rise of Islamic State Significant Development in Jihadism

Voice of America News reports: “The Islamic State’s rise seems sudden. It caught the U.S. by surprise this summer when it captured large portions of northern Iraq and spread its wings in neighboring Syria. But […]

For the Battle is the Lord’s

  • ‘Hand of God sent missile into sea’
  • ‘Their God changes path of rockets in mid-air’
  • Senior infantry officer describes divine protection in Gaza
  • Leading Rabbi: This War is God’s War, and Israel Will Win

Contending For The Faith

  • ‘They would not convert and it cost them their life’
  • ISIS to Iraqi Christians in Mosul: Convert or Die
  • After 2,000 Years, the Last Christian is Forced to Leave Mosul
  • Iraq crisis: End ‘very near’ for Christianity after ISIS takeover, says Bishop
  • Call from Iraqi Christians: “Obama, Obama, Where are You?”
  • Iranian Christian to Have Lips Burnt for Eating During Ramadan
  • Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria

Islamic State (IS)

  • Australia boy ‘displays severed head in Syria’
  • Video from Islamic State shows how children are being trained to be jihadists
  • 40,000 Iraqis stranded on mountain as ISIS jihadists threaten death
  • Islamic State extremists deliver ultimatum to Yazidis: ‘Convert today – or die’
  • Iraq says Islamic State killed 500 Yazidis, buried some victims alive