
Author: Grant Cornelius

News From Iran

  • January 2014: Two People Executed Every Day in Iran
  • Khamenei Warns U.S.: Show Self-Restraint
  • Rouhani: Israel Would be ‘Crazy’ to Attack
  • Revolutionary Guards threaten U.S. after Kerry says military option is ‘ready’
  • Iranian admiral: The U.S. can expect heavy losses at sea should it attack Iran
  • Iranian warships ‘to sail close to U.S. maritime border’

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

  • Kerry Plan: Arab Capital in East Jerusalem
  • Rabbis Threaten Kerry with ‘Divine Wrath’
  • Ya’alon: Palestinians see destruction of Jews as realistic possibility
  • Iran: ‘We Won’t Leave Zionists with Air to Breathe’
  • Gaza Youth Encouraged to Carry Out Terror Attacks
  • Fatah Leader Calls for ‘Armed Uprising’
  • Hamas Trains 13,000 Teens to Emulate ‘Suicide Martyrs’
  • Intel head: 170,000 rockets and missiles threaten Israel
  • Jordan’s FM Rejects Recognizing Israel as Jewish State

The Burden of Damascus

  • Syrian children enduring ‘unspeakable’ suffering
  • Syria accused of torture and 11,000 executions
  • Syria barrel bombs ‘kill dozens of civilians’ in Aleppo
  • U.S. Intelligence Chief Warns Against Syria’s Biological Weapons
  • Syria: Al Qaeda Training Western Citizens for Terror Abroad
  • Swedish Study: Islamic Extremists Greatest Terrorism Threat

February 24, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPE Revelation 6:1 – 4As we begin chapter six, which introduces the Tribulation hour upon earth, a word of explanation is in order concerning the placement of signs. […]

February 17, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPERevelation 5:1 – 14Here is an important statement to consider: Bible chapters and verses came into existence 500 years ago. They are not inspired, but greatly assist […]

February 10, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPERevelation 4:1 – 11Chapter four of Revelation begins the prophetical future. Remember chapter 1, verse 19: Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which […]

February 3, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPERevelation 3:1 – 22Let’s move on to the next church. The fifth letter, written to the local church in Sardis, is also from the Saviour, for Christ […]


  • ‘Jihad in Jerusalem’
  • Hamas: ‘Israel Has Eight Years Left’
  • Hamas Minister: First Israel, then the World
  • ‘Hezbollah commander says none of Israel’s borders are safe’
  • Iranian MP: We need nuclear bomb ‘to put Israel in its place’
  • Netanyahu Opposes Framework Dividing Jerusalem
  • ‘Arab States Will Never Recognize a Jewish State’


  • Number of Christians killed for their faith doubled in 2013
  • 37 Muslim nations persecuting Christians
  • Top 50 list of Christian persecutors
  • Nun: Slain Christians’ blood drained and sold
  • Christians persecuted by Islamists, says Prince Charles
  • Islamic jihad against Christians
  • Malaysia’s Islamic authorities seize Bibles as Allah row deepens

The Religion of Peace

  • Radical Cleric: It’s OK to Blow Yourself Up ‘For Allah’
  • Iraq Changes Prayer Direction: Karbala, Not Mecca

Creeping Shariah

  • Libya’s lurch toward Shariah sends chill through Christian community
  • Al Qaeda Opens Syrian Jihad School
  • Al-Qaeda faction committing appalling atrocities in Syria to enforce Islamic law
  • Syria: 25 Lashes for Failing to Pray

News From Iran

  • Supreme Leader: If Jesus Were Here He Would Fight America
  • Khamenei Says U.S. is Greatest Violator of Human Rights
  • Rouhani boasts of West’s ‘surrender’ to Iran in nuclear talks
  • Army Commander: Enemy Unable to Confront Iran Militarily