
Author: Grant Cornelius

Knowledge Increased

  • Brainlike Computers, Learning From Experience

Mark of the Beast

  • National ID headed for your wallet, purse

Plagues and Pestilences

  • China Investigating New Deadly Bird Flu Strain

News From Russia

  • ‘No one will prevail over Russia militarily’

January 27, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPERevelation 2: 1 – 29Chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Revelation contain seven letters to the seven literal, local churches mentioned in chapter 1, verse […]

January 20, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEWe want to continue in our study of the book of Revelation by finishing chapter 1.Verse 7: Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see […]

January 13, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEThe Book of Revelation is the culmination of Bible prophecy – the point at which all the prophecies of the ages converge and find their ultimate fulfillment. […]

January 6, 2014

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEWhat about nuclear war? The Bible says the“elements shall melt with fervent heat.”Would this refer to nuclear devastation?Let’s look at what the Bible says about this kind […]


  • Six powers clinch breakthrough deal curbing Iran’s nuclear activity
  • Dershowitz: Iran Deal Could Be a ‘Chamberlain Moment’
  • Prime Minister Netanyahu: Iran Agreement a ‘Historic Mistake’
  • Rouhani: Deal ‘Shook the Foundations’ of the Sanctions
  • Iran: ‘After Ten Years, We Have Emerged Victorious’
  • Assad to Rouhani: Iran nuclear deal boosts Tehran’s position in region, world


  • Bloodbath as terrorists murder 70 Christians
  • 3 Christians executed after refusing to convert
  • 7 year-old Indian boy tortured and killed for being a Christian
  • Christians being ‘targeted’ in Egypt
  • Girl Guides ultimatum: Remove God from your oath or be expelled


  • Palestinians see worrisome trend as ‘honor’ killings rise
  • Syria: Lashes in Town Square for ‘Adultery’ as Sharia Law Reigns
  • Afghanistan considers reintroduction of public stoning for adulterers


  • Pope: ‘Authentic’ Islam opposes violence
  • Syria: Islamists Find a New Way to Behead
  • Saudi Wahhabi Preacher OKs Killing Muslim Women & Children
  • Al Qaeda: Death to Shi’ites for ‘Damaging Mohammed’s Legacy’
  • American Jihadist in Syria: Entire World Will Be Muslim