
Author: Grant Cornelius

October 28, 2013

Will Russia invade Israel? If so, under what circumstances? Also, clarify the importance of the Israeli capture of Jerusalem in 1967. One of the most significant prophecies about the Middle East and the Rapture of […]

October 21, 2013

Some have said that Israel herself is a sign. What does this mean? What is the significanceof the “regathering” of Israel? The Jew himself is God’s timepiece and the key that unlocks every door of […]

October 14, 2013

What Tribulation judgments are specifically mentioned in the Bible? How drastic are they? The word judgment is a fearsome word. It speaks of finality-such as when the judge of an earthly proceeding delivers the sentence […]

October 7, 2013

What is the marriage and marriage supper of the Lamb and where will they take place? The marriage partners at this glorious event include the Lamb (Christ) (Ephesians 5:25-33) and His bride (the Church)-both of […]


  • Assad speaks: Syria will defend itself against aggression
  • Assad: Syria’s allies will retaliate in response to US strike
  • Russia’s President Putin warns U.S. over Syria action
  • Iran General: ‘Syria Will Leave Israel in Flames’
  • Real death toll in Syria could be more than 200,000 human rights group says
  • Rebels Attack Christian Village in Syria
  • Christians, other minorities in Syria fear ‘ethnic cleansing’


  • Destruction of Israel guaranteed, Ayatollah says
  • IDF chief warns attack against Israel will carry ‘painful price’
  • Netanyahu: We Have an Iron Dome – and an Iron Will
  • Barkat: ‘Jerusalem Cannot Be Split’
  • Islamic Jihad Issues Call to Abduct IDF Soldiers
  • Iran Mounts Advanced Weapons, Radars on New Overhauled Warship


  • Endless extermination of Christians: Do we care?
  • Coptic Kristallnacht
  • Coptic Church cancels Sunday mass for 1st time in 1,600 years
  • Coptic Christians chant in Tennessee streets: ‘Obama, don’t you care?’
  • UK Church reports over 100 attacks on Christian properties in Egypt
  • Islamists Kill Five Christians in Nigeria Because of Their Faith
  • Iran upholds American Pastor Saeed Abedini’s 8-year prison sentence
  • Judge: Foreigners can sue U.S. pastor over sermons


  • Egyptian Court Advised to Abolish Muslim Brotherhood
  • Egyptian government decides to dissolve Muslim Brotherhood
  • Egypt to try ex-President Morsi for inciting murder
  • Muslim Brotherhood: No Compromise


  • Man set fire to daughter for meeting men online


  • Jihadist leader to U.S.: ‘Islam is coming’
  • Al-Qaida Muslims declare war on Hezbollah Muslims
  • Taliban Claims Responsibility for U.S. Base Attack

September 30, 2013

My friends do not believe in the “blessed hope” – the return of Christ to claim His own. I need additional verses that speak specifically of the Rapture. Also, what about the “signs pointing to […]

September 23, 2013

Could there be a “partial” Rapture? The simple answer is no. Some teach that only the perfect will be evacuated during the Rapture, but this is contrary to the teaching of God’s Word. Many base […]