
Author: Grant Cornelius

July 15, 2013

Last week we defined and described the new birth, now we want to prove that this experience is demanded by God. Jesus said… ye must be born again (John 3:7). He did not say that […]

July 8, 2013

Forty percent of America’s citizens claim to be “born again .” Are they? Have they had such an experience? Are they genuinely “twice born” people? Let’s see as we undertake the study of the “new […]


  • London Attack: Man Hacked to Death Was a British Soldier
  • Woolwich Beheading Suspect Linked with Islamic Hate Preacher
  • Cleric: Beheading British Soldier Could Be Justified Under Islam
  • French soldier’s stabbing could be act of terrorism
  • Suspect ‘admits soldier knife attack in Paris’
  • Terrorist super-axis to strike within U.S.
  • Analysts: Watch Philadelphia for terror attack
  • Toronto terror plot: Suspect asks for defence lawyer guided by ‘holy book’


  • Arabs Riot, Call for ‘Third Intifada’
  • The Intifada is Here, Even if Media Hasn’t Said So’
  • Israel’s New Neighbor: Syrian Al-Qaeda Rebel Group
  • Hezbollah preparing to attack Israel, commander says
  • U.S.: We Support Israel’s Ability to Defend Itself
  • Iran claims it has new long-range missile launchers
  • Thousands of IRGC Missiles Ready to Hit Enemies’ Vital Interests in Region
  • Commander Stresses Iran’s Strong Deterrent Power


  • Outrage at Syrian rebel shown ‘eating soldier’s heart’
  • The New Syria: Flogging in the Town Square
  • Report: Assad preparing missile strike against Tel Aviv in case attacked again
  • ‘Assad Has Chemicals that Can Eradicate Entire Towns’
  • Syrian FM: Assad Will Remain President Until 2014
  • Syrian president says army ‘has balance of power’


  • Russian arms ‘to deter foreign intervention in Syria’
  • Russian Official: Missile Systems Sale ‘A Message to America’
  • Moscow warns Jerusalem about attacking Syria


  • Newly discovered virus takes more lives, spreads
  • WHO says new coronavirus may be passed person to person


  • Experiment Brings Human Cloning One Step Closer

July 1, 2013

In the last newsletter we discussed humility prayer and confession as prerequisites for revival. Let’s continue by considering sins that hinder the working of the blessed Holy Spirit of God in our life. Remember, If […]

June 24, 2013

The past two newsletters dealt with the price one pays as he follows the Lord Jesus Christ. Revival goes hand-in-hand with discipleship because heart preparation is necessary if one is to walk in the Savior’s […]

June 17, 2013

We want to continue our study in the cost of discipleship and revival. Ephesians 2:10 states, For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. When we become new creations in Christ […]

June 10, 2013

Beginning this week we want to do a four-week study on the cost of discipleship and revival. There Is a Price to Pay Salvation does not cost any person anything, because salvation is freely bestowed […]