
Author: Grant Cornelius

August 20, 2012

What Tribulation judgments are specifically mentioned in the Bible? How drastic are they? The word judgment is a fearsome word. It speaks of finality-such as when the judge of an earthly proceeding delivers the sentence […]

August 13, 2012

What is the marriage and marriage supper of the Lamb and where will they take place? The marriage partners at this glorious event include the Lamb (Christ) (Ephesians 5:25-33) and His bride (the Church)-both of […]

August 6, 2012

My friends do not believe in the “blessed hope” – the return of Christ to claim His own. I need additional verses that speak specifically of the Rapture. Also, what about the “signs pointing to […]


  • Iran: There will be war – and we’ll win
  • Report: U.S. sends forces to Persian Gulf ahead of possible clash with Iran
  • U.S. warships ‘easy’ target for Iran
  • IRGC Warns to Give Crushing Response to Enemy Attack
  • Iran says can destroy U.S. bases “minutes after attack”
  • MP: Missile Wargames Show Iran’s Superiority over US Bases in Region
  • Iran Claims ‘War Games’ Test Missile Attack on Israel
  • Pentagon: Iran boosts missiles’ lethality


  • Iran leader: We must prep for ‘end of times’
  • Muslim cleric: Jerusalem to be Egypt’s capital
  • Fatah to Israel: Do What We Want, or Face Intifada
  • Iran’s President Renews Call for New World Order
  • Iranian Media: Islamic World Needs Nuclear Weapons
  • Muslim States to Change World’s Political Equations Soon
  • Poll: Muslim Nations Demanding Rule of Koranic Laws


  • New movie: Jesus is product of Mary being raped
  • Christian pastor spends 1,000th day in prison
  • New kill count in ‘eradicating Christianity’ campaign
  • Muslims: ‘Wipe Christianity from face of earth’
  • Opposition demanding Syrian Christians leave
  • Boko Haram says ‘Christians are our enemies’
  • Pakistan mob burns man to death for ‘blasphemy’
  • Military pulls its insignias from Bibles


  • Physicists find evidence of new subatomic particle that resembles Higgs boson


  • Russia Sends Naval Flotilla to its Base in Syria
  • Outside View: ‘Reset’ with Russia

July 30, 2012

Could there be a “partial” Rapture? The simple answer is no. Some teach that only the perfect will be evacuated during the Rapture, but this is contrary to the teaching of God’s Word. Many base […]

July 23, 2012

What validity, if any, should be given to the Prewrath Rapture theory? In a book titled The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church by Marvin Rosenthal, this earlier reliable proponent of the pretrib position altered his […]

July 16, 2012

We want to continue in our study of why I believe in the pre-tribulational rapture. The Tribulation is called “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is […]

July 9, 2012

Pre-, mid-, or postribulational view. Which position is correct? The Bible is truth; it provides peace to troubled souls living in a chaotic world. Because it is a two-edged sword, it cuts through the insignificant […]