
Author: Grant Cornelius

Sanctity of Life

  • Infanticide should be legal, Oxford experts say

Knowledge Increased

  • Study: Stem Cells Taken From Healthy Part of Heart ‘Heal’ Heart Attack Scars
  • Scientists at U.S. lab detect hints of elusive “God particle”

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

  • Hezbollah Leader Optimistic about Imminent Liberation of Occupied Quds [Jerusalem]
  • ‘Iran ready to wipe Israel off the map’
  • Haniyeh in Iran: Hamas will never recognize Israel

A Nuclear Iran

  • Iran ‘May have Tested Nukes in North Korea in 2010’
  • IAEA chief: Iran not telling us everything about its nuclear program
  • ‘IAEA cannot be sure Iran’s nuclear program lacks military aims’
  • World powers call on Iran to let UN inspectors visit military site
  • Israel ‘very close’ to tough decision on nuclear Iran
  • Iran prepares for kamikaze attacks

Radical Islam

  • Islamic group threatens WorldNetDaily.com
  • Muslims demanding revolution, Shariah law
  • Egypt’s Brotherhood says it should govern
  • Underwear Bomber Abdulmutallab: “Proud to Kill in the Name of God”

March 26, 2012

Daniel 9:20-27 And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my […]

March 19, 2012

God’s Ultimate Program for Israel What you are about to read is a reflection on one of the most important chapters in the Book of Daniel, and one of the most remarkable passages in all […]

March 12, 2012

Daniel’s Major Concern At this point in the vision, Daniel heard one saint (angel) ask another saint how long this little horn would be allowed to carry on its transgression of desolation-for both the sanctuary […]

March 5, 2012

The Alexander Complex Again the Bible is completely accurate as it predicts the events of Alexander’s demise, describing in detail the “four horns” that replaced the single broken horn between the goat’s eyes. These four […]


  • New Bible yanks ‘Father,’ Jesus as ‘Son of God’
  • U.S. missionaries killed at Mexico home near Monterrey
  • More churches attacked in Nigeria violence
  • Church in Nigeria ‘being eliminated’


  • ‘Iran must attack Israel by 2014’
  • Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel
  • PM: World silent while Iran, Hezbollah threaten to destroy Israel
  • Some 200,000 missiles aimed consistently at Israel, top IDF officer says
  • Israel embassies preparing for Iran strike?


  • Iranian Submarines’ Ambush for US Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf
  • Official: Gulf Arabs have plans against Hormuz closure
  • Iranian warships dock at Saudi port