
Author: Grant Cornelius

Mark of the Beast Technology

  • Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses

The One World Order

  • Former German leader calls for “United States of Europe”
  • Eurozone crisis could rip EU apart: officials
  • Western, Muslim societies ‘irreconcilable’: poll

“…thine enemies shall …compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side……”

  • Israel expects to fight Weapons of Mass Destruction in ‘multi-front war’
  • IDF general: Likelihood of regional war growing
  • Ahmadinejad: Iran is determined to eradicate Israel
  • PLO official: Palestinian state to be free of Jews
  • ‘Warships could be in E. Mediterranean at any moment’
  • Report: Turkish warplanes now able to fire at Israeli targets
  • ‘Turkish hackers preparing cyber-attack on Israeli sites’
  • Iran parliament voices support for attack on Israeli embassy in Cairo
  • ‘Palestinians officially begin UN state bid plans
  • UN Secretary General: Palestinian statehood is ‘long overdue’
  • Analysis: Blair has major, unheralded role in Mideast talks

Contending for the Faith

  • Quran? Torah? Churches ‘will have to choose’
  • AD and BC ruled out of date for national curriculum
  • Killer words: Muslims text death threats to Christians
  • Evangelicals Left Off National Cathedral 9/11 Program
  • ‘Exterminate Christians, close pyramids, Sphinx’
  • Report shows rise in restrictions on religion


  • Iran says U.S. ‘will be taught the mother of all lessons’
  • U.S. Cybercops Caught Flat-Footed by Massive Global Cyberattack
  • “State actor” behind slew of cyber attacks
  • You hack, we shoot: Pentagon discusses armed counterstrikes to cyberattacks

Contending for the Faith

  • Dutch rethink Christianity for a doubtful world
  • Iranian Pastor Sentenced to Death Could Be Executed if He Doesn’t Recant
  • ‘Rapture’ real aftermath: Beheadings, shootings, mass graves
  • Great darkness in Egypt
  • Saudi Arabia’s ‘Anti-Witchcraft Unit’ breaks another spell

The Death of the Dollar

  • China Slams U.S. on Credit Downgrade, Most Countries Cautious
  • Putin says U.S. is “parasite” on global economy
  • Dollar to Be ‘Discarded’ by World: China Rating Agency

News from Israel and the Middle East

  • Iran Views Zionist Regime as “Main Threat” to Region
  • Ahmadinejad: Israel is greatest threat in Mideast
  • Lebanese president blames Israel for ‘renewing aggression’ on border
  • Hamas leader: Palestinian UN bid a ‘scam’
  • Iran’s Supreme Leader Terms U.S. Most Unpopular State among Muslims

Turmoil in Syria

  • UN to Assad: Stop Military Force Against Civilians Now
  • Assad: Syria target of foreign conspiracy
  • ‘Dozens killed in Hama as Syrian tanks, snipers deployed’
  • Syrian army ‘resumes shelling Deir al-Zour’
  • Saudi Arabia Recalls Ambassador to Syria
  • Moscow warns against interference in Syrian conflict

Knowledge Increased

  • Breakthrough hailed in quest for ‘God particle’


  • Middle East Christians facing ‘extremist atrocities’


  • Cyber-attacks outpace global response, U.S. warns
  • Cyber-attack can ‘collapse states,’ Knesset committee warns
  • IMF hit by ‘very major’ cyber security attack