
Archives: Broadcasts

Jack Van Impe Presents — December 1, 2018

This week: It looked like Dante’s Inferno… Californians gather to mourn victims of wildfire destruction… Guns in America…

Jack Van Impe Presents — November 24, 2018

This week: Mattis: U.S. Needs Space Force to Counter Russia, China… Balloon bombs land in Israeli town near Jordanian border… Indonesia quake, tsunami death toll could reach thousands…

Jack Van Impe Presents — November 17, 2018

This week: Thanks be unto God…  

Jack Van Impe Presents — November 10, 2018

This week’s headlines: China, Russia warn U.S. of consequences over sanctions… No ruling out Israeli strikes on Iranian targets in Iraq… Turkey urges Islamic world to unite against Israel…

Jack Van Impe Presents — November 3, 2018

This week’s headlines: The state of Judaism… Shooting suspect: I just want to kill Jews… The Oldest Hatred…

Jack Van Impe Presents — October 27, 2018

This week: History written in advance…

Jack Van Impe Presents — October 20, 2018

This week’s headlines: The 50 worst places on earth for Christians… ISIS claims Easter Monday murders of Pakistani Christians… Billboards yanked because Bible is shown…

Jack Van Impe Presents — October 13, 2018

This week’s headlines: #MeToo: A year later in habitual Hollywood… 175-Year Sentence for Doctor Who Abused U.S. Gymnasts… Kavanaugh heads for confirmation…  

Jack Van Impe Presents — October 6, 2018

This week’s headlines: It’s raining rockets.  Again… Palestinians would destroy Israel if they could… Muslims try to ban Franklin Graham from speaking…

Jack Van Impe Presents — September 29, 2018

This week’s headlines: Storm’s Toll Nears $50 Billion… Chinese Officials Burn Bibles, Close Churches in Crackdown on Christianity… What is America’s Destiny?

Jack Van Impe Presents — September 22, 2018

This week’s headlines: The New Jewish-Christian Amity… Hamas: The goal is to liberate Jerusalem… Will modern day Israel survive?

Jack Van Impe Presents — September 15, 2018

This week’s headlines: Should the Pope resign? They hid it all – Church shielded 300 predator priests… Cleanse the Temple…