Jack Van Impe Presents July 9, 2016
This Week’s Headlines: • British government in chaos… • Istanbul airport: routine night quickly turned to horror and terrorism… • Putin and Pope Francis…
This Week’s Headlines: • British government in chaos… • Istanbul airport: routine night quickly turned to horror and terrorism… • Putin and Pope Francis…
This Week’s Headlines: • Prophesied apostasy here now? • Deadly terror attacks strikes Tel Aviv market… • Three Christians vanish after assault by Muslim extremists…
This week’s headlines: • The Orlando mass shooting: the deadliest in U.S. history… • Woman allegedly burns daughter alive for eloping… • FBI is tracking nearly 800 ISIS related cases in the U.S…
This Week’s Headlines: Iran will not cooperate with the United States… The Pope’s Turkish visit tests Islam’s ties… Open Doors: Christian population in Iraq drops 80% in the last decade…
This week’s headlines: A Debate on the Pope’s new document… Two years after resigning a healthy Benedict has no regrets… China’s crackdown on Christians continue…
This week’s headlines: A Muslim Mayor for London… The threat of radical Islam is not abating… China, Russia air threat is growing…
This week’s headlines: Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service… 2,000 ticking time bombs in the U.S. and counting… A nuclear armed ISIS? It’s not that farfetched…
This week’s headlines: Is the Jesus of Islam the same Jesus of the Bible in Christianity? Top U.S. official warns of European jihadists sleeper cells… Islam will take over the world in a decade…
This week’s headlines: The United Kingdom: Breeding Ground for Jihadists… Israel: The Forever Nation… Anti-Semitism in America…
This week’s headlines: Israel’s Government today… Will the U.S. remain supportive of Israel? Netanyahu: Israel in world war with Islamic extremists…
This week’s headlines: Superbugs could cast the world back into the Dark Ages… Nepal mourns victims of quake that killed nearly 9,000… International nuclear summit points to nuclear risks…
This Week’s Headlines: Christianity dying in Britain, only Islam is growing… Islamic State losing ground, but not the war… Islamic State threaten to repeat 9/11…