
Category: Global News

Russia is Preparing to Launch ‘Physical Attacks’ Against West, Says British Intelligence Chief

Breitbart.com reports: “While Russia is already advanced in encouraging ‘non state cyber actors’ to attack the West, it is moving towards grooming other groups for ‘physical attacks’, the chief of Britain’s eavesdropping and cyber security […]

Turkey halts all trade with Israel; Jerusalem denounces ‘dictator’ Erdogan

The Times of Israel reports: “Turkey announced Thursday that it stopped all exports and imports to and from Israel, in a highly impactful move against Jerusalem over the war against Hamas. Citing Israel’s military offensive […]

Egypt considering downgrading diplomatic relations with Israel, report says

YnetNews.com reports: “Egypt is considering downgrading its diplomatic relations with Israel, including potentially recalling its ambassador from Tel Aviv, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing Egyptian sources. This consideration follows Egypt’s announcement that […]

Netanyahu says war to continue until victory reached

YnetNews.com reports: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will fight on to victory. The prime minister gave a videotaped speech during a prerecorded ceremony in Jerusalem, marking the beginning of Israel’s 76th Independence Day. ‘This […]

‘Muslim Terrorists Are in Our Midst’: Florida Imam Calls for Annihilation of All Jews

Breitbart.com reports: “Jews — who are ‘tyrannical’ and the ‘brothers of apes and pigs’ — should be ‘annihilate[d],’ according to a Florida Islamic cleric, who also accused Israel’s army of being ‘worse than the Nazis.’ […]

IDF warns Hamas leaders: We’re coming like a roaring flood

The Jerusalem Post reports: “The IDF dropped leaflets in Arabic over the Jabalya in northern Gaza, warning Hamas leaders, ‘We are coming’ on Monday, according to Palestinian social media. The leaflets feature text over a […]

China says Russian leader Vladimir Putin to visit this week

SpaceWar.com reports: “Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit China this week on the invitation of leader Xi Jinping, Beijing’s foreign ministry said Tuesday. Putin will be in Beijing from Thursday to Friday, foreign ministry spokeswoman […]

China urges better ties with South Korea despite ‘challenges’

SpaceWar.com reports: “Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for better relations with South Korea as he met with his counterpart from Seoul during rare talks in Beijing, state-run Xinhua reported Tuesday. The visit by Cho […]

Hezbollah leader: Israel in dilemma between defeat or ‘abyss’ in Gaza war

The Times of Israel reports: “Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised address Monday that Israel was facing a ‘historical dilemma’ in its war in Gaza between defeat and an ‘abyss.’ ‘If it halts […]

US, China to hold AI talks in Switzerland

Voice of America News reports: “U.S. and Chinese officials plan to meet in Switzerland on Tuesday to discuss artificial intelligence security concerns. U.S. officials said the Geneva talks will not open the door for China […]

US calls on Iran to halt unprecedented weapons transfers to Yemen’s Houthis

Voice of America News reports: “The United States called on Iran on Monday to halt its transfer of an ‘unprecedented’ amount of weaponry to Yemen’s Houthi rebels, enabling their fighters to carry out ‘reckless attacks’ […]

Netanyahu: ‘It’s either us – Israel, or them – the Hamas monsters’

The Jerusalem Post reports: “Israel is in an existential war in which defeat is not an option, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during Monday’s ceremony at the Mt. Herzl Military Ceremony to mark the annual […]