Category: March
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Contending For the Faith
- Christian persecution? No. Annihilation!
- General: U.S. Christians targeted for murder
- Muslim violence surges in Christian-majority country
- ‘Jesus is the Son of Allah’ brings fiery response in Malaysia
Terrorist Threat
- U.S. evaluates China’s EMP threat
Plagues and Pestilences
- ‘Pandemic potential’ after confirmed human death from new strain of bird flu
The Burden of Damascus
- Syrian children enduring ‘unspeakable’ suffering
- Syria accused of torture and 11,000 executions
- Syria barrel bombs ‘kill dozens of civilians’ in Aleppo
- U.S. Intelligence Chief Warns Against Syria’s Biological Weapons
- Syria: Al Qaeda Training Western Citizens for Terror Abroad
- Swedish Study: Islamic Extremists Greatest Terrorism Threat
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
- Kerry Plan: Arab Capital in East Jerusalem
- Rabbis Threaten Kerry with ‘Divine Wrath’
- Ya’alon: Palestinians see destruction of Jews as realistic possibility
- Iran: ‘We Won’t Leave Zionists with Air to Breathe’
- Gaza Youth Encouraged to Carry Out Terror Attacks
- Fatah Leader Calls for ‘Armed Uprising’
- Hamas Trains 13,000 Teens to Emulate ‘Suicide Martyrs’
- Intel head: 170,000 rockets and missiles threaten Israel
- Jordan’s FM Rejects Recognizing Israel as Jewish State
News From Iran
- January 2014: Two People Executed Every Day in Iran
- Khamenei Warns U.S.: Show Self-Restraint
- Rouhani: Israel Would be ‘Crazy’ to Attack
- Revolutionary Guards threaten U.S. after Kerry says military option is ‘ready’
- Iranian admiral: The U.S. can expect heavy losses at sea should it attack Iran
- Iranian warships ‘to sail close to U.S. maritime border’