
Category: Email Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter – November 14, 2016

  • Signs of Christ’s return
  • Listen to the Birds
  • Letters we Love
  • The Jack Van Impe Prophecy Bible
  • Animals in Heaven?

Weekly Newsletter – November 7, 2016

  • How do these signs suggest that Christ’s return is at hand?
  • What’s In a Look?
  • Letters we Love
  • Islam Exposed
  • The Startling Truth About Angels & Demons

Weekly Newsletter – October 31, 2016

  • What are the signs of Christ’s return?
  • How Do You Handle Guilt
  • Letters we Love
  • Thy Kingdom Come: Arriving Soon
  • Who is Jesus?

Weekly Newsletter – October 17, 2016

  • … the importance of the Israeli capture of Jerusalem in 1967.
  • Give Me Your Hand
  • Letters we Love
  • Thy Kingdom Come: Arriving Soon
  • The Startling Truth About Angels & Demons

Weekly Newsletter – October 10, 2016

  • What is the significance of the “regathering” of Israel?
  • When the Light Goes Out!
  • Letters we Love
  • Addictions
  • Daniel: Final End Time Mysteries Unsealed CD set

Weekly Newsletter – October 3, 216

  • What Tribulation judgments are specifically mentioned in the Bible? How drastic are they?
  • I Almost Missed the Blessing!
  • Letters we Love
  • Thy Kingdom Come: Arriving Soon
  • Beware: False Prophets, Damnable Heresies & Doctrines of Demons

Weekly Newsletter – September 26, 2016

  • What is the marriage and marriage supper of the Lamb and where will they take place?
  • Looking Through the Window
  • Letters we Love
  • Terrorism & Prophecy: Special Report
  • Revelation Rumblings

Weekly Newsletter – September 19, 2016

  • – the return of Christ to claim His own…
  • The Quest for Peace
  • Letters we Love
  • Thy Kingdom Come – Arriving Soon
  • The Truth About Heaven

Weekly Newsletter – September 12, 2016

  • Could there be a “partial” Rapture?
  • They Shall Mount Up With Wings
  • Letters we Love
  • The Great Escape
  • Coming Soon: The Judeo-Christian New World Order

Weekly Newsletter – September 5, 2016

  • What validity, if any, should be given to the Prewrath Rapture theory?
  • Who are You?
  • Letters we Love
  • Thy Kingdom Come – Arriving Soon
  • The Rapture Generation

Weekly Newsletter – August 29, 2016

  • Pre-, mid-, or postribulational view
  • Listen – He Speaks Ever So Softly
  • Letters we Love
  • The Truth About Heaven
  • Animals in Heaven?

Weekly Newsletter – August 22, 2016

  • Pre-, mid-, or postribulational view
  • The Night God Took Off His Mask
  • Letters we Love
  • Revelation Rumblings
  • Christianity Seduced