
Category: Email Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter – September 7, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEBirthdayEzekiel prophesied the formation of the State of Israel in the last days: “For I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of […]

Weekly Newsletter – August 31, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEDeath Camp DeceptionReflection on the deception of the death camps is chilling. At Sobibor, a cordial greeting was given to new arrivals. Guards took children on their […]

Weekly Newsletter – August 24, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEThe PersecutionWhen Hitler finally came to power in Germany, the fate of the Jews in Europe was sealed. Like many before and after him, Hitler blamed the […]

Weekly Newsletter – August 17, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEHitler’s holocaust — the travail of IsraelThe Jews have enriched all the nations in which they have settled – an inevitable fact because of the promise given […]

Weekly Newsletter – August 10, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEStatehood for IsraelA third benefit resulting from World War I was the public and official appreciation given to Dr. Chaim Weizmann, a Jew, for his contribution to […]

Weekly Newsletter – August 3, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEWorld War I – The Threat to SurvivalWhile traveling on a train the West, Leon Tucker spoke to a Jew about Israel. The Jew said he was […]

Weekly Newsletter-July 27, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEWe want to continue our study where we ended last week.Birth of ZionismThe first of these organizations was called “Hoveve Zion,” or “Lovers of Zion.” This was […]

Weekly Newsletter-July 20, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPETHE KNEE BONE CONNECTED TO…Queen Victoria asked her Jewish prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, “Can you give me one verse in the Bible that will prove its truth?”He […]

July 13, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEResurrectionFor thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption (Ps. 16:10). The apostles Peter and Paul both […]

July 6, 2015

Look for a new mobile-friendly www.jvim.com to be launched this coming Saturday, July 11, 2015.A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPE Last week we looked at the first four prophecies that were fulfilled in […]

June 29, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEWEEP FOR YOUR CHILDRENDaughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for …your children (Luke 23:28). The Jews missed their Messiah. He walked among them and […]

June 22, 2015

A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEWe want to pick-up our study where we ended last week, dealing with the 70 Weeks of Daniel’s prophecy.The importance of the prophecy is stressed by Alva […]