February 3, 2014
A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPERevelation 3:1 – 22Let’s move on to the next church. The fifth letter, written to the local church in Sardis, is also from the Saviour, for Christ […]
A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPERevelation 3:1 – 22Let’s move on to the next church. The fifth letter, written to the local church in Sardis, is also from the Saviour, for Christ […]
A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPERevelation 2: 1 – 29Chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Revelation contain seven letters to the seven literal, local churches mentioned in chapter 1, verse […]
A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEWe want to continue in our study of the book of Revelation by finishing chapter 1.Verse 7: Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see […]
A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEThe Book of Revelation is the culmination of Bible prophecy – the point at which all the prophecies of the ages converge and find their ultimate fulfillment. […]
A MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR JACK VAN IMPEWhat about nuclear war? The Bible says the“elements shall melt with fervent heat.”Would this refer to nuclear devastation?Let’s look at what the Bible says about this kind […]
The Lord Jesus Christ: Saviour of the World The Holy Bible gives God’s Son manifold titles. However, the one that means so much to all of us as poor, helpless sinners is “Saviour”- which immediately […]
The Purpose of the Incarnation The past two newsletters dealt with the preexistence of Christ, His deity, and His incarnation. This chapter will thoroughly cover the reason that the eternal God had a birth date […]
The Deity of Christ The thought of an eternal God being born may seem to be a contradiction of terms, but when one studies the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, insurmountable evidence supporting this truth […]
The Birth of the Eternal God I feel that there is a tremendous need to enlighten mankind as to the true identity of Christ. Multitudes think of the Saviour as just another member of the […]
Who is the coming “world ruler”? What is his role in end-time prophecy? Will his appearance have any connection with the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem? In Revelation 13:1 the apostle John states, “And […]
Why are behavioral attitudes such as blasphemy, disobedience, lack of gratitude, ungodliness, lying, and broken promises signs of Christs return? Sinful attitudes which move us away from a holy God have been with us since […]
What about earthquakes, global crime, and the many strange activities presently occurring in space? How do these signs suggest that Christs return is at hand? Earthquakes When they read Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, or Luke […]