
Category: Uncategorized

Report: Israel attacks Iranian weapons depots in Syria

Israel National News reports: “Media outlets affiliated with the Syrian opposition reported on Tuesday that Israel had attacked warehouses of weapons used by Iranian militias near the Dara-Damascus road. The Syrian Center for Monitoring Human […]

‘An infiltration into Israel was prevented’

Israel National News reports: “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday evening held a security consultation with the Defense and Internal Security ministers, the Chief of Staff, the head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), […]

Iran denies providing Houthi rebels with ballistic missiles

Israel National News reports: “Iran’s Revolutionary Guards on Tuesday denied Saudi Arabian accusations that Tehran provided the Houthi rebels in Yemen with ballistic capabilities, a day after Saudi Arabia threatened retaliation against the Islamic Republic […]

Deputy Hamas leader: We will never cut ties with Iran

Israel National News reports: “Deputy Hamas leader Salah al-Aruri stressed on Saturday that the group would never agree to sever its ties with Iran and give up the armed struggle as prerequisites for talks with […]

Iraq: ISIS ‘caliphate’ is coming to an end

Israel National News reports: “Iraq on Thursday declared that the Islamic State (ISIS) group’s ‘caliphate’ was coming to an end after it recaptured Mosul’s al-Nuri mosque, AFP reported. The announcement came three years to the […]

‘We view Iranian military foothold in Syria with utmost gravity’

Israel National News reports: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this morning (Sunday, 25 June 2017), at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, made the following remarks: “Last night the IDF attacked Syrian military targets. This […]

Weekly Newsletter – October 24, 2016

  • Ushering in the end of the age?
  • A Blaze of Glory
  • Letters we Love
  • The Great Escape DVD / Book Combo
  • Great Salvation Themes

IDF: Hamas planning 100-man tunnel attack

Israel National News reports: “The most serious scenario that the IDF is currently preparing for on the southern front is a multi-pronged ‘surprise attack by about 100 Hamas men coming out of several terror tunnels […]

Islamic State Allegedly Recruiting Child Suicide Bombers

Voice of America News reports: “Islamic State allegedly has been using child suicide bombers to target opponents in the Syrian civil war, officials and activists in Syria say. Kurdish military officials this week in the […]

Franklin Graham: Obama’s LGBT Landmark a ‘Monument to Sin’

Breitbart.com reports: “Rev. Franklin Graham is sharply critical of President Obama’s decision to dedicate a national monument to ‘the struggle for gay rights,’ calling the landmark a ‘monument to sin.’ ‘Flaunting sin is a dangerous […]

Islamic Jihad rejects reports of a truce

Israel National News reports: “The Islamic Jihad terrorist organization on Sunday denied reports that it reached an ‘understanding’ with Israel following the escalation in clashes last week, according to which IDF soldiers could operate on […]


  • Jordan’s King Abdullah II: ‘We Are Facing A Third World War’ Against ISIS
  • French Jewish Council Calls for ‘World War’ Against ‘Jihadist Fanaticism’
  • The Islamic State: Hastening the Apocalypse?