
In The Lord

Rejoice in the Lord” is a command given in both the Old and New Testaments. Paul admonished the Christians at Philippi: “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).

But how can one rejoice when all his castles are tumbling and everything seems to go wrong? Can we rejoice over unpaid bills? Poor health? A divided family? The loss of a job? Jangled nerves?

Perhaps not.

But we can rejoice in the Lord!

When everything seems to be coming apart, He is unchanged. Though others forsake us, He remains faithful. If financial reverses come, He provides for our needs. When earthly gain turns to loss, He offers permanent treasure in the bank of heaven. If death seems imminent, He has given eternal life. Though the love of those nearest us cool, His love is constant.

The rejoicing of the psalmist had to find expression. He played the harp, the psaltery, and an instrument of ten strings. He sang songs of praise. It was impossible to hold in his joy. Some may have thought him too emotional. Perhaps they preferred dead-pan religion. Nevertheless, the psalmist rejoiced in the Lord and announced his joy to others. His praise was public and he was not ashamed.

Regardless of the circumstances, we can rejoice in the Lord. Christians should never be “under the circumstances.” Our Lord is above all. Today’s problems have not taken Him by surprise. Praise the Lord!