How Are Your Gifts Being Used?
Our independent CPA happily reports that our overhead costs are less than most non-profit groups in the nation!

Make a Donation:
- USA / International One-Time Donation
- USA / International Monthly Donation
- Canada One-Time Donation
- Canada Monthly Donation
Become a ministry partner…TODAY. Witness personally about Jesus and help win your family, friends, and neighbors to Christ! Become a soul-winning partner with Dr. Jack Van Impe by pledging to send this ministry financial support each month. Jesus is coming again soon — Perhaps Today! Let’s do our best to reach the world for Christ.
In addition to your personal ministry, stand with Dr. and Mrs. Van Impe in their soul-winning outreaches — global TV and radio, Internet, End-time movies, print publications, audiocassettes, biblical counselling correspondence, and biblical material distribution programs.
Your monthly ministry support gifts make you a vital part of all that is being accomplished for Christ through Jack Van Impe Ministries worldwide. Your daily prayers help empower our ministry team to be effective in taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.
To make your monthly pledge to support Jack Van Impe Ministries via the Internet click HERE or, simply fill in the Partnership Request Form (you will require the Adobe Acrobat reader in order to view and print this document) and send it to us explaining your decision and sending your first monthly support gift to:
Jack Van Impe Ministries
Box 7004
Troy MI 48007