
Foreign Minister Katz: ‘Iran establishing new front on Israel’s eastern border’

Israel National News reports: “Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz commented on Monday on Iran’s efforts to smuggle arms into Israel for use in attacks against Israeli citizens.

‘A serious and dangerous situation is unfolding as Iran works to establish a new eastern terror front against Israel’s major population centers. Iranian Revolutionary Guard units are collaborating with Hamas operatives in Lebanon to smuggle weapons and funds into Jordan with the aim of destabilizing the regime,’ Katz stated.

‘From Jordan, these weapons are then smuggled across the eastern border, flooding Judea and Samaria, particularly refugee camps, with dangerous weapons and large sums of money – aiming to create a pro-Iranian Islamic terror front, as they have done in Gaza, Lebanon, and other areas, targeting Tel Aviv and Israel’s major population centers,’ he continued…”

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