
Initial findings: Hamas identified IDF forces approaching – and murdered the six hostages

Israel National News reports: “An initial investigation of the deaths of six hostages in Gaza showed that Hamas lookouts standing outside a Rafah tunnel identified the Israeli forces nearing the site where the hostages were held captive, and ordered the captors to murder the six and run.

All six hostages were found with bullet holes on their heads and other places on their bodies.

According to Kan News, after the hostages’ bodies were located, the IDF found indications at the scene that Hamas had observed the IDF forces in real time.

Although the IDF is careful not to approach areas where intelligence has indicated that live hostages are being held, in this case, the IDF was apparently unaware of the fact that live hostages were being held in the area.

The six hostages were found twenty meters underground, with no prior intelligence on the matter. Their bodies were recovered from a site about one kilometer from the tunnel where hostage Farhan al-Qadi was rescued alive last week…”

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