
Jet Blue Airways changes Israel’s borders and name to ‘Palestinian Territories’

The Jerusalem Post reports: “American airline JetBlue Airways has updated their in-flight map to show the words ‘Palestinian Territory’ in significantly larger text than the word ‘Israel,’ to the point where it is overlaid on the entire state of Israel, N12 reported Tuesday evening.

Hodaya Knafo, an Israeli woman studying in the United States, told N12 that she was on a domestic flight from Miami to San Diego when she tried to show another passenger where Israel was located on her seat’s personal screen. ‘The label was prominently displayed in a way that didn’t seem innocent,’ she said, and additionally, the borders were incorrect.’

According to the map, Israel’s northern border does not include the Golan Heights…

Along with the removal of the Golan Heights, ‘They don’t show a division of the West Bank, so it doesn’t seem like that’s what they meant by the ‘Palestinian Territory’ label.’ Knafo continued…”

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