


BBC News reports: “Iran has begun five days of large-scale war games to simulate attacks on its nuclear sites, officials said, warning it will retaliate if provoked.

The head of Iran’s air defence said the aim of the exercises was to thwart aerial reconnaissance and air attacks.

Another official warned Tehran would retaliate with a missile strike on Tel Aviv, if it was attacked by Israel.

Iran is under intense pressure over its nuclear programme, which critics say is intended to produce nuclear weapons.

The US and Israel have not ruled out the prospect of a military attack to prevent Iran developing nuclear bombs. Tehran insists its programme is peaceful.

The head of Iran’s air defence, Brig Gen Ahmad Mighani, told state media the aim of the war games, which will cover an area of 600,000 sq km (230,000 sq miles), was ‘to display Iran’s combat readiness and military potentials.

‘Due to the threats against our nuclear facilities it is our duty to defend our nation’s vital facilities,’ he said.

Meanwhile, Mojhtaba Zolnoor, an aide to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned Iran would respond to any Israeli attack.

‘If the enemy attacks Iran, our missiles will strike Tel Aviv,’ he was quoted as saying by the official Irna news agency…” (Dr. Mike Evans in his tremendous book entitled “Atomic Iran” spells out the nuclear devastation that could soon encircle the globe as Persia, which changed its name to Iran in 1935 joins Russia – Ezekiel 38:1, 2, 5 in the conflict of the ages – Ezekiel 38:8, 16; Revelation 9:14-18.)


YnetNews.com reports: “Visiting Brazil, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that US and Israeli military threats against Iran were a thing of the past, and that, in any case, ‘they don’t have the courage’ to attack Iran.

‘The age of military attacks is over, now we’ve reached the time for dialogue and understanding. Weapons and threats are a thing of the past,’ the Iranian told a joint press conference with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, closing his one-day visit.

Ahmadinejad’s visit was greeted in Rio de Janeiro by a 1,000-strong rally of members of Jewish, anti-racist and gay rights groups who protested his past tirades against Israel and other groups.

Fielding a question on whether he feared an attack from Israel or the United States, Ahmadinejad said armed confrontation was no longer a possibility.

That’s clear ‘even for mentally challenged people,’ he said with a smile.

Besides, he added, ‘those you mention (Israel and United States) don’t have the courage to attack Iran. They’re not even thinking about it.’…” (Baloney – Ezekiel 39:6 proves that Gog of Magog and Iran will be defeated – Ezekiel 39:1, 2, 12, 13.)


YnetNews.com reports: “The World according to Ahmadinejad: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said upon his return from a visit to Latin America and Africa that ‘a new movement has started to free the world from domination of a few bullying states.’

The IRNA news agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying that that signs, bases and strong points of order and developments in the new world should be identified. He added that the world was speedily changing and the new world was being formed.

‘Signs and evidence show that a few domineering governments have not been able to solve problems and address public demand,’ the Iranian president added.

Ahmadinejad received a warm welcome from his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez, who used the visit to brand Israel as a murderous agent of Washington.

The Venezuelan singled out a comment by President Shimon Peres, during a visit this month to South America, that his and Ahmadinejad’s days in power may be numbered.

‘We know what the state of Israel stands for – a murderous arm of the Yankee empire,’ Chavez told joint news conference. ‘What the president of Israel said, we take as a threat.’…” (See Romans 3:13-17 as well as the next three reports.)


Voice of America News reports: “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ended a visit to Venezuela in which he and his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez denounced what they call U.S. ‘imperialism.’

The two leaders praised each other in Caracas, solidifying their anti-American alliance. Mr. Ahmadinejad compared Iran and Venezuela to brothers-in-arms engaged in trench warfare against imperialism, a reference to the United States.

Mr. Chavez also denounced U.S. ally Israel as a ‘murderous arm of the Yankee empire,’ in his words. He rebuked Israel’s president for predicting Venezuelans and Iranians will make their leaders disappear. Mr. Chavez said he views Shimon Peres’ recent comment as a threat.

The Venezuelan president also said Cuba’s ailing former President Fidel Castro had asked him to deliver a ‘hug’ to Mr. Ahmadinejad. Mr. Chavez said he met briefly with Mr. Castro in Cuba.

Iranian state media say Mr. Ahmadinejad left Venezuela for Senegal, the final stop on his five-nation tour.

Earlier the Iranian and Venezuelan presidents attended the signing of several bilateral agreements, including joint projects in energy, housing and farming.

Mr. Ahmadinejad’s visit drew protests from Venezuela’s opposition, which accused Mr. Chavez of developing a ‘dangerous’ alliance with Tehran. Venezuela’s Jewish community denounced Mr. Ahmadinejad as an ‘ominous character’ who could do serious harm to humanity…”


Voice of America News reports: “Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei blasted the United States and other Western countries for stirring up trouble inside Iran, a day before students are expected to hold peaceful demonstrations on university campuses across Iran.

Both the Iranian government and student opposition activists are gearing up for what many are expecting will be a large turnout of demonstrators, Monday, on university campuses across the country.

December 7 is known as ‘national students’ day’ in Iran, and it marks the anniversary of the 1953 slaying of three students by Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi’s security forces, following a coup against populist Prime Minister Mohammed Mosadegh, earlier that year.

Eyewitnesses say hundreds of students have received threatening emails, this week, warning them not to participate in Monday’s demonstrations. Pro-government Basij militia members are also reported to be present in large numbers on campuses across the country.

Internet connection speeds in Iran are also reported to be extremely slow, amid word the government is again trying to hamper communications between Iranians and the outside world. Foreign media have also been warned not to cover the rallies.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei lashed out against the West, saying it was responsible for sowing discord inside the country.

He says that today, the propaganda of arrogant nations of the world is the main source for the existence of conflict inside Iran.

The Ayatollah also used extremely virulent language against the United States and Britain, calling them Iran’s top enemies.

He says Americans are at the top of Iran’s list of enemies and the British are the most dreadful of those enemies. He also asserted the United States and other nations have tried to isolate Iran for the last 30 years, but have failed and will continue to fail…”


BBC News reports: “The head of Iran’s nuclear programme has accused the West of provoking his country into launching a plan to build 10 new uranium enrichment plants.

Ali Akbar Salehi said a UN demand for Iran to halt work on a recently revealed site had ‘prompted the government to approve the plan’.

Iran’s parliamentary speaker, Ali Larijani, said later he believed a diplomatic solution was still possible.

Tehran’s move has fuelled further concerns over its nuclear programme.

Western powers say Iran is trying to develop nuclear arms. Iran says its nuclear programme is peaceful.

A source in Russia’s foreign ministry told local news agencies that Russia, which supplies much of Iran’s nuclear technology, was ‘seriously concerned by the latest statements of the Iranian leadership’.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner told a French radio programme that Iran was being ‘a bit childish’.

‘Iran is playing an extremely dangerous game,’ he said.

‘There’s no coherence in all this, other than a gut reaction.’

Israel’s ambassador to the UK, Ron Prosor, was asked by the BBC if military action by Israel against Iran was now more likely.

He called for ‘all options to be on the table’ without being more specific.

Iran’s proposed new plants would be of a similar size to its main existing enrichment plant at Natanz.

Mr Salehi, who is also vice-president of Iran, said: ‘We had no intention of building many facilities like the Natanz site but apparently the West doesn’t want to understand Iran’s peaceful message.’…”