
Pro-Palestinian Protesters Outside DNC Want Israel Destroyed — and Target Jews

Breitbart.com reports: “‘We don’t want no two states; give us all of ’48!’ That was one among many anti-Israel — and anti-American chants shouted by pro-Palestinian protesters Monday outside the Democratic National Convention.

President Joe Biden would later tell his party, from the stage, that the protesters ‘have a point.’ But their point was not that ‘[a] lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides,’ as Biden said. Their point was: destroy Israel.

At the front of the procession Monday from Union Park to the perimeter fence outside the United Center — which protesters soon broke through — were several extremist flags, including the flag of the Hamas terrorist organization.

Protesters chanted the familiar ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ which refers to the destruction of Israel and its replacement by a Palestinian state (under current conditions, an Islamist one, controlled by Hamas)…”

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