How is Israel’s 6-Day War an End Time Sign?
In Luke 21:24-28, Jesus said the Jews would be scattered throughout the world and the city of Jerusalem would be controlled by Gentile powers until the time of His return. In 1967, after the Six Day War was won, the Jews took control of Jerusalem for the first time in over 2,000 years.
A peace settlement in the Middle East is one of the most important events predicted for the endtime. The signing of this treaty will start the final countdown of 2,520 days leading to Armageddon. The key issue in negotiations will be the city of Jerusalem itself, which Israel prizes more than any other possession (Psalm 137:5, 6). Undoubtedly a strong attempt will be made to make Jerusalem an international city with free access for Jews, Christians, and Muslims (the Temple area will also be internationalized). Jerusalem will keep center stage as this Temple becomes the scene of the Abomination of Desolation, the ultimate in desecration as the Image of the Beast is used to carry forth a diabolical plot from this holy place (Revelation 13:13-18).
Jerusalem is where the Lord touches down at His Second Coming to earth (Zechariah 14:4) and where He establishes His headquarters (Micah 4:1; Isaiah 2:3). The gates of Jerusalem will open to welcome the coming King (Psalm 24). During the Millennium, multitudes will come from the uttermost parts of the earth to visit the Holy City (Isaiah 2:2, 3).