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I'm very concerned about my family. Will there be a chance for my loved ones to be saved, following the rapture of the Saints?


The Saints mentioned in Revelation 13:7 are those that have accepted Jesus Christ during the Tribulation Period. Revelation 7:9-14 describes multitudes of people being saved during the Tribulation period. Those saved at this time will include Gentiles of every nation, tongue, and tribe, along with many Israelites (Romans 11:26). As chapter 13 opens, millions of newly saved Christians are still alive on the earth and the beast or the Antichrist makes war against them.

On what day did Jesus Christ die, and when was He resurrected?

Flint, MI

Jesus was taken down from the cross because it was the preparation of the Sabbath and a body could not remain on the cross on the Sabbath. Many assumed this to be Friday because Jewish Sabbath starts Friday night at 6:00.

Upon complete study of the situation in the Word of God, this use of the word “Sabbath” meant “the holy day of worship.” The Passover time was to begin with a worship day. Historians tell us that that year the Passover Sabbath was on Thursday. Therefore, Jesus Christ was on the cross on Wednesday and was taken down on Wednesday. The three nights in the grave would have been Wednesday night, Thursday night, and Friday night. The three days in the grave would have been Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sometime Saturday evening Christ arose from the dead. Although it was evening and it was the end of the Jewish Sabbath, people did not come to the grave that evening. They discovered Him alive (resurrected) early the next morning.

Some religions are teaching that there is no hell…how can that be?

London Ontario, Canada

There are many who believe in Heaven but reject God's Word concerning a place called Hell. However, it is all or nothing with God's Word. One cannot take the parts of the Bible that are pleasing to his limited mind and reject that which is unsuitable to him. Jesus said in Luke 16:22, “And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom…” That is Heaven. Christ goes on with the other side of the subject: “…the rich man also died and was buried; And in Hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.” There are two places. Again Jesus said in John 3:36: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. ” Jesus said in John 6:47: “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. ” He also said in John 8:24: “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: wither I go, ye cannot come”. That is eternal Hell.

My question is- do you think America is the Mystery Babylon that the Bible talks about in the Book of Revelation?

Downey, CA

There are a number of chapters within God’s Word that seem to picture the USA. No other nation throughout history can so convincingly fulfill all of the requirements of the texts. America is certainly included in the judgments upon all nations (Ezekiel 39:21). America also seems to be the political Babylon of Revelation 18. God’s Word mentions three Babylons: a city (Genesis 11), a church (Revelation 17), and a country (Revelation 18). Don’t confuse the three.

Isaiah, Jeremiah, and John describe this country:

Isaiah 18:1,2 – America’s emblem, with outstretched wings; beyond the sea from Israel; a nation, scattered and peeled, meaning spread out and cultured; measured or staked out and polluted in its waterways.

Jeremiah 50 – Here she is called the heritage of the Lord and faces judgment because of her backsliding (vs. 11). A nation or mingled people (vs. 37); a nation whose coexisting “mother” (England) is confounded at the hour of her decline (vs 12).

Jeremiah 51 – In this text America is bordered by the world’s two largest oceans and possesses its longest river (vs. 13); her wealth plagues the nations to jealousy (vs. 7); her space exploits are fantastic (vs. 53).

John pictures two Babylons in Revelation. One is a world religion (chapter 17), the other an internationally respected nation (vs. 3); laden with sin (vs. 5), with a superabundance of material goods producing idleness and sin (vs. 7).

America today is surely laden with iniquity with its drunkenness, drug addiction, tobacco, gambling, prostitution, homosexuality, smut peddlers, immorality, abortions, mercy killers, murderers, robbers, and looters. There is specific judgment administered against Babylon, identified as America. A sneak attack is predicted in Jeremiah 50:24 and in one hour Babylon is destroyed (Revelation 18:10). Some biblical scholars believe that Russia starts the sneak nuclear attack against the USA, crippling her, and then against Israel (Ezekiel 39:2). Whatever the alignment of events, it is clear that both nations fall, Christ returns, and world peace begins.

Who are the Two Witnesses during the Tribulation Period?

Bowling Green, KY

Two powerful prophets will appear in Jerusalem during the Tribulation period, guaranteeing the truth of the kingdom message of the 144,000 servants of God, adding to the irritation of the Antichrist. The message of Christ’s return will be preached throughout the world. All will be made aware of the timetable of the end, the eventual fall of Antichrist, and the coming kingdom of Christ.

These two witnesses will be miraculously protected for three and one-half years. Their power to bring plagues will draw the attention of the world (Revelation 11:6). They will likely repeat Old Testament prophecies concerning the kingdom of Christ (Daniel 2:44, 45).

When they have concluded their work, they will be slain and television will beam the sight of their dead bodies lying in the streets of Jerusalem to the world. After three and one-half days of the earth’s rejoicing (Revelation 11:10), they will be resurrected and ascend to heaven in a cloud while their enemies watch, paralyzed with fear.

In determining who the two witnesses mentioned in Revelation 11:3 are most biblical scholars have narrowed the choice down to either: Elijah, Moses or Enoch.

Malachi 3:2, 3 and 4:5, 6 predict that Elijah will come as one of those witnesses. It is corroborated by the fact that Elijah did not die a physical death but was taken up into heaven by a whirlwind and chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:9-11).

Moses appeared with Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:3) which was a picture of future events. Many of the plagues of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble are similar to those brought by Moses in the deliverance of Israel from Egypt. The Bible also tells us that Moses’ body was preserved by God (Deuteronomy 34:5, 6; Jude 9).

Like Elijah, Enoch did not die (Hebrews 11:5), and some think that his exemption from death was in view of his coming martyrdom during the Great Tribulation. His message must also be considered. Evidently this prophet had been given a revelation of the Second Coming of Christ and had announced it to his generation (Jude 14, 15).

With UFO sightings increasing, what is your opinion of what the bible says about aliens (demons, angels, unknown) among us?

Jonesboro, AR

The Bible does teach about aliens in space. Satan fell from heaven Isaiah 14:12, and when he did, out of the third heaven of II Corinthians 12:3, he became the god of this world's systems, II Corinthians 4:3-4, and the one who controls heavens 1 and 2, he's the prince of the power of the air, Ephesians 2:2. When he fell, he took one-third of the angels with him. Revelation 12:4 and these wicked fallen angels now control space. That’s why Ephesians 6:12 we wrestle not against other human beings, but against principalities and powers and spirits and against evil demonic beings in high places.

There is going to be a war in heaven in revelation 12:7. There was war in heaven, Michael and his angels, (good), fought against the dragon, which is Satan, Revelation 20:4. Satan is defeated and cast out of heaven. Verse 12 says, “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and sea because the devil has come down on you having great wrath because he knows he has but a short time.” He may be surveying his territory.

Let’s go to the good angels for a minute. Elijah was caught up by a whirlwind to heaven, II kings 2:11, but search it out and go back to the chapter. Angels in chariots of fire came after him. Ezekiel chapter 1:4 indicates the angels of chariots of fire cometh out of the north in whirlwind fashion and God’s throne is in the sides of the north. They appear as men, verse 5. They travel like lightning verse 14 and the color of ships happen to be beryl. Our astronauts go into space ships that contain beryllium because it can withstand the heat as they go through space. Now Elijah went to heaven in a whirlwind. Angels came to get Lazarus, Luke 16:22 and as we go up in a twinkling of an eye an angel is transporting us home, Hebrews 1:14.

There is life out there but it is angels, good and bad.

We have a guardian angel that escorts us in the presence of the lord.

Every believer has his own personal angel, Hebrews 1:14. “Are not the angels ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to them who shall be the heirs of salvation.” Now we get instant salvation when we receive Christ.

It all happens in a twinkling of an eye, I Corinthians 15:52, so it can only be angels taking us there when we hear the shout, “Come up hither”. We travel like lightning or the chariots do.

Satan is powerful, but he is not all-powerful. We serve a living God who is all-powerful. One-third of the angels fell from heaven with the dragon in Revelation 12:4, and they are now controlling the heavens as principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world and spirit wickedness. This is an array of military titles all the way from four star generals to buck privates so they can relay messages about you to Satan because he is not all-knowing. They have to tell him what is going on here on earth. Satan, of course, loses in the battle of Revelation 12:7-13, and he is cast into the lake of fire, Revelation 20:10 when Christ returns.

I have a small dog. I love him very much. I am alone except for him and the Lord. When the Rapture happens, I am concerned what will happen to my little companion. What do you think will happen to him?

Wichita, KS

I believe that everything on earth is a picture or pattern of things in heaven. Thus, during the millennial reign of Christ, the earth is filled with tamed and beautiful animals of all descriptions (Isaiah 11:6). This is true because wherever God dwells the beasts of the earth are plentiful. Also, since earth is a pattern of what’s in heaven, then God’s eternal home must certainly be filled with these little loyal friends.

The Bible does not specifically state anything concerning animals being taken to heaven upon death or at the resurrection. However, since God promises that He will not withhold any good thing from those who love Him — I believe that a simple request to the Saviour will make loving petitions for our pets a fulfilled request instantaneously. There are multitudes whose beloved pets went the way of all flesh and died. God is able to bring them back from dust and ashes as simply as He does humans when the dead in Christ rise (I Thessalonians 4:16-18). However, their restoration will occur only after believers arrive, and request their pets. To sum up everything I have said, I believe that we will have the animals we loved with us in heaven, not because of salvation (a spiritual experience), but because our requests produce God’s re-creation or restoration of our faithful, loving and loyal furry friends.

I don't understand. Based upon scripture in John 3; how is it possible for Believers to go immediately to be with Jesus when they die?

Grand Rapids, MI

The verse which you are referring to is found in John 3:13 which says, “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.” Some have imagined that this verse contradicts the teaching of God's Word that upon death the spirit of those who have trusted Christ go immediately to be with Him in heaven. Upon closer examination of the context, we see that there is no contradiction.

In verse 12, Jesus tells Nicodemus that he is speaking to him of heavenly things. In verse 13, he is referring to the fact that he is qualified to speak of these heavenly matters because He alone has come from Heaven. This verse emphasizes that Nicodemus was speaking to none other than the “Word made flesh,” the incarnate deity. Other verses which you may study in this regard are: Proverbs 34, John 3:31, John 1:14, Matthew 16:17, and I Corinthians 2.

I heard someone talking about a Post-Tribulation rapture. I don't believe in it at all. Can you further explain it?

Skokie, IL

We also disagree with the Post-Tribulation view. Post-Tribulationists – many who believe we’re going through the seven years – use the term, “the elect” to prove that the church will be here. Yes, we Christians are called “the elect” in Ephesians 1:4 and I Peter 1:2. However, in Isaiah 42:1, Isaiah 45:4, Isaiah 65: 9 & 22, and Romans 11:28, Israel, the Jews, have that same term attached to them. They are the elect who are here, not the church. It’s Jacob’s time of trouble – Jeremiah 30:7. And Jacob changed his name to Israel in 2 Kings 17:34.

In Matthew 24:9 Jesus said to His people, the Jews, “You shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” In verse 16 He says, “When this tribulation period comes, you are to flee from Judea to the mountains”. And then in Mark 13:9 “they will be beaten in their synagogues”. In Revelation 7:1-4, 144,000 Jews are sealed along with an innumerable multitude of Gentiles (verse 9). These are those people who have been saved during the Tribulation period. The Jews are the evangelists who preach the gospel of the Kingdom during the Tribulation (Matthew 24:14) Therefore, the elect mentioned in Matthew 24:22 must be referring to the 144,000 Jews, their converts, and an innumerable multitude of Gentiles.

Every believer will be evacuated with at the rapture, but then the greatest revival in history occurs on earth as the 144,000 Jews begin to proclaim the message that the kingdom of Christ is at hand. (Revelation 7: 4-8) Those who were converted during the tribulation hour are “These which have come out of the great tribulation and have washed their robes white in the blood of the lamb.” (verse 14).

What are the seven spirits of God mentioned in Revelation and Isaiah 11:2?

Danville, VA

The seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the Seven Spirits of God (Revelation 4:5), picture the Holy Spirit in all of His perfection. Seven always denotes flawlessness in the Bible. (Note the seven characteristics of the Holy Spirit in Isaiah 11:2.) This blessed Holy Spirit is also involved in the impending judgment. Each member of the Trinity is righteously indignant over earth’s inundation with wickedness, and participates unitedly in the twenty-one seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments which occur in chapter 6 through 18.

I am so tired of Satan in this world. When will he be thrown into the “bottomless pit”?

Topeka, KS

This term,(Greek rendering, “pit of the abyss”) is found nine times in the New Testament. In each case it is a place to restrain or hold certain beings which have come under the judgment of God (Luke 8:31). It will be the holding place of Satan and his demons during the Millennium (Revelation 20:1-3).

I hear others talking about the Twenty-Four Elders that is mentioned in the book of Revelation. Can you please make sense of it?

Chicago, IL

Who are these twenty-four elders? Some believe they represent the twenty-four groups or orders within the Levitical priesthood. This, in turn, represents all believers in Christ for, through Him as High Priest, every Christian is a member of the royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). Others believe the twenty-four elders represent the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles for a total of twenty-four. In other words, they say the elders represent God’s people of all ages. This is a good possibility since Revelation 21 describes the New Jerusalem, the names of the twelve tribes inscribed on the gates, and the names of the twelve apostles found upon the twelve foundations (see verses 12-14). Regardless of the view one holds, the four and twenty elders represent the children of God in the presence of the Lord, before the horrible Tribulation begins in chapter 6.