

‘Real risk’ Putin won’t stop warns NATO chief; Putin claims over 600,000 troops deployed

December 15, 2023SpaceWar.com reports: “There is a ‘real risk’ that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not stop with Ukraine if he achieves military victory there, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg warned on Thursday.

That prospect is why Ukraine’s NATO allies must continue supporting Kyiv militarily, Stoltenberg stressed.

‘If Putin wins in Ukraine, there is real risk that his aggression will not end there. Our support is not charity. It is an investment in our security,’ he said.

‘The only way to reach a just and lasting solution is to convince President Putin that they will not win on the battlefield,’ Stoltenberg continued.

‘And the only way to ensure that President Putin realises that he is not winning on the battlefield is to continue to support Ukraine.’…”  (Russia in Bible prophecy is the main instigator of death and suffering during Armageddon – Revelation 16:16.  Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39, which Dr. Van Impe proclaimed for sixty years, aided by Oriental and Islamic nations, bring total chaos and atomic devastation upon the world.  Worse yes, it’s just ahead of us.  Every nation he included in World War III is forming exactly as taught this global blood bath six decades ago.  The only good news is that the Rapture precedes Armageddon – Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth – Revelation 3:10.  Then our deliverance as believers – Revelation 4:1 and our joy because of missing Armageddon.  See the next two reports.)

China’s Xi says strong Russia ties a ‘strategic choice’

December 20, 2023SpaceWar.com reports: “Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday that maintaining close ties with Russia is a ‘strategic choice’, calling for deeper bilateral cooperation during a meeting with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in Beijing, state media reported.

The strong relationship between the two nations, which has endured despite Russia’s military invasion of its neighbour Ukraine in early 2022, has faced pointed criticism from Western leaders in recent years.

‘Maintaining and developing China-Russia relations is a strategic choice made by both sides based on the fundamental interests of the two peoples,’ Xi told Mishustin on Wednesday in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported.

Xi added that the countries should ‘continuously amplify the positive effects of high-level political ties’ and ‘deepen cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, energy, connectivity and other fields’, CCTV said…”

Seoul scrambles jets after Chinese, Russian warplanes approach

December 15, 2023SpaceWar.com reports: “South Korea’s military said Thursday it scrambled fighter jets as two Chinese and four Russian military planes entered its air defence zone, an area wider than the country’s airspace.

The Chinese and Russian planes entered and exited the Korea Air Defence Identification Zone (KADIZ) in the East Sea, also known as the Sea of Japan, from 11:53 am (0253 GMT) to 12:10 pm, Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

But ‘there was no invasion of airspace’, it added, and the South Korean military identified the planes ‘before they entered KADIZ, and deployed air force fighter jets to take tactical measures in preparation for contingencies’.

An air defence identification zone is a broader area than a country’s airspace in which it tries to control aircraft for security reasons, but the concept is not defined in any international treaty.

China’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning described the incident on Thursday as ‘a routine flight activity’.

‘As far as I know, I think this was a routine flight activity by Chinese military aircraft above international waters, which is understandable and in accordance with international law,’ she told a regular press briefing…”