
Devotional Set: Soul Food

Bitter Waters

After passing safely through the Red Sea, the children of Israel burst into song. Here is one of their verses of praise: “The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: […]

She Shall Be Praised

Dwight L. Moody wrote of his boyhood: “Dad died when mother was forty-one. What a struggle she had with us; six besides myself, and then the twins were born after father’s death. Only three books […]

His Son’s Name

Here is a verse that awaited the coming of the New Testament for its answers. Knowing the answers to each of the questions asked in this cry for information, makes the Christian want to shout: […]

The Ant

“If you have a task to be done, find a busy person to do it.” This bit of wisdom has endured through the years. And it must be the plan God follows in choosing His […]

The Father Understands

An old song says: “God understands your heartache, He sees the falling tear; And whispers I am with thee, Then falter not nor fear.” The psalmist agrees and points out that God never forgets our […]

The Snare

“I wanted to respond to the invitation,” said a young man, “but I just couldn’t do it with my friends there watching.” The fear of man had kept him from the most important decision in […]

Getting Up

Becoming a Christian does not end all trouble. Some are surprised at this discovery. They thought: “When I walk that aisle I’m through with trial.” But Christians endure tribulations. However, the Christian’s trials are different. […]

Booze Blights

Many Christians seem to be “rethinking” the booze question. Social drinking is becoming accepted among numbers of believers. What should we do about it? Solomon’s instruction is clear: have nothing to do with fermented beverages! […]


These are perilous times. Dwelling on all the possibilities for death and destruction could make one unable to function. Fear could keep us from traveling because of the danger of auto accidents. The likelihood of […]


Many churches are filled with strife. How strange a report about groups of people who claim to be saved as a result of the love of God. No wonder the world remains unreached and millions […]


Those who have been forgiven have a right to pray with confidence — providing they forgive others. Bitterness, malice and hatred are all hindrances to prayer. Answers long denied may be forthcoming when prayer finally […]

Praying for Others

God has given us the privilege of praying for others. The protection and prosperity of others may rest in the hands of real prayer warriors. Paul requested prayer from others so that his ministry would […]