

‘Inclusive’ Taliban: Women Must Cover Faces, Should Leave Home as Little as Possible

May 10, 2022 — Breitbart.com reports: “The Taliban terrorist group’s ‘Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice’ issued an edict this weekend declaring that women and girls should leave their homes as little as possible and that women should wear ‘hijab,’ which it defined as including face coverings, at all times.

The decree, issued directly from Supreme Leader Mullah Haibutullah Akhundzada, also declared that the burqa — an all-body covering that covers even a woman’s eyes — was the ideal garment for women, though it stopped short of mandating that women cover their eyes. During the Taliban’s first term in power in the 1990s, the Sunni jihadists forced all women to wear burqa in public.

The decree prompted international outrage from groups such as the United Nations, which had expressed hope when the Taliban returned to power in August that it would not reinstate the repressive rules it once had. Taliban spokesmen had enthusiastically promoted this optimistic view by repeatedly promising it would create an ‘inclusive’ government that adhered to international human rights standards…”  (Islam is a religion of hate.  Sharia Law demands death penalties for (1) Daughters who have premarital sex, (2) Homosexuals – these murderers are told to drop them from the highest mountain to be sure to hear their fearful screams, (3) Apostates – these are Islamic religionists who mock Allah, Muhammad, of the Koran, (4) All infidels – non Muslim religionists.  Genuine Christianity is the only religion of peace – Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren – I John 3:16.

Mass sexual assault of women in public has been documented in Islam for years.  On February 11, 2011, former CBS News correspondent Lara Logan was reporting in Egypt about the celebrations following the resignation of Hosni Mubarak when she was attacked by a group of 200 – 300 men, several of whom gang raped her for nearly one half hour.  Her only offense – not having her head covered.  In an article Dr. Van Impe has cited before, Dawn Perlmutter said: “From a Western perspective this was a crazed mob out of control.  For a shame culture this was an acceptable punishment for a woman who was not properly covered.  They pulled her blonde hair out and more than likely kept it as souvenirs.” 

Here is what our God states: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God — I Corinthians 6:9, 10.  See the next report.)

Taliban Order Afghan Female TV Presenters to Cover Faces

May 20, 2022 — Voice of America News reports: “The ruling Taliban ordered local television channels in Afghanistan Thursday to ensure that female program presenters cover their faces while on screen, increasing curbs on women’s rights despite a global outcry.

Afghan media outlets confirmed that they had received the edict from the Ministry of Vice and Virtue, charged with interpreting and enforcing the Taliban’s version of Islamic Shariah law.

The country’s Tolo News television said in a statement that ministry officials had called the new order ‘a final verdict and not up for discussion.’ The media outlet wrote on Twitter the ‘new order demanded all female presenters working in all TV channels to cover their faces while presenting programs.’

Ministry spokesperson Akif Sadiq confirmed to VOA that it had directed all domestic media outlets in the Afghan capital, Kabul, to bar female staff from broadcasting unless their faces are covered.

Critics slammed the continued Taliban crackdown on women’s rights…”