

Jordan: The entire area of the Temple Mount belongs only to Muslims

April 10, 2023 — Israel National News reports: “The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday published a statement condemning the visits by Jews to the Temple Mount during Passover, calling them ‘the frequent invasions of Al-Aqsa Mosque’ which are carried out ‘under heavy security by the Israeli occupation police in a manner that constitutes a violation of the historical and legal situation existing at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and a violation of the sanctity of the holy places’.

Sinan al-Majali, a spokesperson for the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, said that the entire area of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which includes 144 dunams (meaning the entire area of the Temple Mount) is a place of worship exclusively for Muslims.

Muslim clerics claim that the entire area of Al-Aqsa Mosque also includes the Western Wall and belongs exclusively to Muslims. They also completely deny the fact of the past existence of the Holy Temple on the Temple Mount.

Al-Majali declared in his statement that the Jordanian Department of Endowments is the only entity that is authorized to manage the affairs of Al-Aqsa Mosque and regulate the visit to the place…”  (In Genesis 22:1-14 God commanded Abraham to bring his son Isaac to the land of Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice there.  As he was about to complete the sacrifice, God stopped him and provided a ram as a substitutionary sacrifice.  In I Chronicles 21:18 – 26, King David purchased this mount so he could build an altar to offer a sacrifice when he confessed his sin.  This was the location where the angel of the Lord was commanded to stop the destruction of Jerusalem [I Chronicles 21:15].  In II Chronicles 3:1, King Solomon built the First Temple on Mount Moriah, this was started in 966 BC.  This Temple stood until 586 BC when it was destroyed by the Babylonians.  The Second Temple was built in 516 BC and enlarged by Herod the Great in 12 BC.  It stood until it was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70.  The Dome of the Rock was built in AD 692, and the Al Aqsa Mosque was not built until AD 705.  It is obvious who has the rightful claim to the Temple Mount.  See the next report.) 

King Abdullah: Every Muslim has duty to protect Jerusalem holy sites

April 3, 2023 — The Jerusalem Post reports: “Muslims have a duty to protect the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, Jordan’s King Abdullah told a Palestinian delegation who visited him in Amman on Sunday.

‘We will always be with you and you will overcome all the challenges before you,’ King Abdullah told the delegation led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

‘King Abdullah stressed that it is the duty of every Muslim to deter Israeli escalations against Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem,’ the Royal Court said in a statement it put out after the meeting.

He issued his statement during Islam’s holy month of Ramadan and in advance of the Passover and Easter holidays, in a period fear is high that the sensitive holiday seasons will lead to an outbreak of violence.

He reaffirmed the Hashemite Kingdom’s special custodial relationship to Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem including the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, also known to Muslims as al-Haram, al-Sharif…”