

North Korea missile test fails before Pence visit

April 16, 2017Breitbart.com reports: “North Korea test-fired a missile early Sunday, hours before US Vice President Mike Pence arrived in Seoul for talks on curbing Pyongyang’s weapons programmes, but US officials said it exploded seconds after launch.

The latest launch came a day after Pyongyang held a defiant massive military parade as fears grew it may soon conduct another nuclear weapons test.

‘The missile blew up almost immediately,’ the US Defense Department said of the early-morning launch from near Sinpo on the North’s east coast.

The type of missile was not clear.

On Saturday North Korea displayed nearly 60 missiles — including what is suspected to be a new intercontinental ballistic missile — at a parade to mark the 105th birthday of its founder Kim Il-Sung.

The North has a habit of firing off missiles to mark major political anniversaries, or as gestures of defiance to top US officials visiting the region…”  (China and North Korea are prophesied to be top contenders and bloody warriors during the battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16:16. Revelation 16:12 pictures Kings coming to the Middle East, primarily China and North Korea to slay a third-part of mankind in atomic warfare. Revelation 9:14 – 18 the Oriental nations from the East join with Russia – the leader from the North – Daniel 11:44 – for the most horrendous war in history. See the next two reports.)

 U.S. VP Pence warns North Korea ‘all options are on the table’ in DMZ visit

April 17, 2017SpaceDaily.com reports: “US Vice President Mike Pence used a visit to the heavily militarised border between the two Koreas Monday to declare ‘all options are on the table’ in dealing with Pyongyang, the day after the North’s latest failed missile test.

Pence’s trip to the flashpoint frontier underscored Washington’s shifting policy towards the isolated state after years of nuclear and missile tests carried out in defiance of the international community.

The visit comes after a huge military parade during which North Korea showcased apparent intercontinental ballistic missiles, and as a US carrier group converges on the Korean peninsula, ratcheting up tensions to their highest point in years.

Washington wants to achieve security ‘through peaceable means, through negotiations. But all options are on the table as we continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of South Korea,’ Pence said at the village of Panmunjom inside the Demilitarised Zone.

Pence, speaking at Freedom House, a few metres from the military demarcation line that he described as a ‘frontier of freedom’, said America’s relationship with South Korea was ‘ironclad and immutable’…”

 US said preparing strike to ‘utterly destroy’ North Korean nuclear program

April 16, 2017The Times of Israel reports: “US Vice President Mike Pence will arrive in Seoul Sunday, flying into a geopolitical maelstrom amid a possible North Korean nuclear test and harsh US warnings about a military response.

Pence’s first visit to South Korea — part of an Asia swing that also includes stops in Japan, Indonesia and Australia — was conceived months ago, but could hardly come at a time of higher tension.

On Sunday, the UK’s Sunday Times reported that top military advisers to US President Donald Trump have told their British counterparts that Washington was considering a preemptive strike against North Korea’s nuclear program, and believed it had the firepower to neutralize it.

Citing ‘senior sources’ in the British government, the paper said the US believed it would be able to ‘utterly destroy’ the key installations required to remove the threat the program posed to North Korea’s neighbors and the US.

According to the paper, US Defense Secretary James Mattis discussed a US strike on North Korea with his British counterpart, Michael Fallon, some two weeks ago, and similar conversations have been held between British officials and Trump’s national security adviser, H.R. McMaster.

‘They’ll do anything it takes. Nothing is off the table. They think they’ve got the capabilities to target things and utterly destroy them. They are confident they know where everything is and can target it efficiently,’ one British official was quoted as saying…”