

Analysts: Expect attack from Chinese military

WorldNetDaily.com reports: “Analysts are becoming increasingly concerned that China may launch a surprise military attack on India in 2012, based on conditions today that are similar to those present the last time China attacked India – in 1962, says a report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

The concerns center on an ongoing border dispute between the two countries and joint energy projects that India has entered into with Vietnam in areas of the South China Sea which China claims as its own territory.

Even today, China continues to hold onto Indian territory it captured in 1962, and it continues to initiate troop provocations along the disputed border, warning India against taking it back, despite attempts at confidence building measures.

The Chinese actions suggest it has no intentions of reaching a peaceful resolution to the confrontation…” (China and Russia will become allies in the final war of history, North and East battling unitedly after Russia loses the first battle with Israel – Daniel 11:44; Revelation 16:12; Revelation 9:14 – 18; Joel 2:2, 20, 30; Ezekiel 39:1, 2, 12, 13. See the next three reports.)

China warns U.S. on Asia military strategy

BBC News reports: “China’s state media have warned the US against ‘flexing its muscles’ after Washington unveiled a defence review switching focus to the Asia-Pacific.

In an editorial, official news agency Xinhua said President Barack Obama’s move to increase US presence in the region could come as a welcome boost to stability and prosperity.

But it said any US militarism could create ill will and ‘endanger peace’.

Mr Obama also plans $450bn (£290bn) in cuts to create a ‘leaner’ military.

Thousands of troops are expected to be axed over the next decade under the far-reaching defence review.

The defence budget could also lose another $500bn at the end of this year after Congress failed to agree on deficit reduction following a debt-ceiling deal in August 2011.

Mr Obama said the ‘tide of war was receding’ in Afghanistan and that the US must renew its economic power.

However, he told reporters at the Pentagon: ‘We’ll be strengthening our presence in the Asia-Pacific, and budget reductions will not come at the expense of this critical region.’

Xinhua said the US role could be good for China in helping to secure the ‘peaceful environment’ it needed to continue its economic development.

But it added: ‘While boosting its military presence in the Asia-Pacific, the United States should abstain from flexing its muscles, as this won’t help solve regional disputes…”

China Criticizes U.S. Sanctions Against Iran

Voice of America News reports: “China is voicing strong opposition to U.S. sanctions against Iran. Authorities in Beijing say Chinese interaction with the Middle Eastern country does not violate United Nations resolutions and therefore should not be affected by the latest sanctions.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei repeated China’s position that, on Iran, it prefers dialogue to sanctions. Hong specifically said China opposes one country placing its domestic law above international law and imposing unilateral sanctions on other countries.

He was referring to a days-old American law that targets Iran’s oil industry. The legislation calls for sanctions against financial institutions that deal with Iran’s central bank, which is its main clearinghouse for oil exports. The European Union also is expected to impose new sanctions against Iran within the next few weeks…” (Iran, Ezekiel 38:5, that changed its name from Persia to Iran in 1935 unites with Russia and China for Armageddon – Revelation 16:16.)

China beefing up military presence in Indian Ocean

SpaceWar.com reports: “Little by little China is forming military links in Africa and in the Indian Ocean in order, experts say, to protect Beijing’s economic interests in the region.

In the past three weeks Beijing has committed to supporting Ugandan forces operating in Somalia and to helping the Seychelles fight piracy.

‘It is very clear that the Chinese leaders recognize that military force will play a bigger role to safeguard China’s overseas interests,’ Jonathan Holslag, of the Brussels Institute of Chinese Contemporary Studies told AFP.

‘There is a willingness, and even a consensus, in China, that this process will take place.’…