

Pakistan Crowd Beats Man to Death for Alleged Blasphemy 

May 8, 2023Voice of America News reports: “Police in Pakistan say people attending a political rally in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on Saturday beat a man to death because they believed he made blasphemous remarks.

Local police officer Iqbal Khan said Maulana Nigar Alam, 40, was killed because ‘Some words of his prayer were deemed blasphemous by a number of protestors, leading to torture and death at the hands of the angry mob.’

Police locked the man up in a shop to protect him, but the mob broke through the shop’s door.

Khan told Dawn, a Pakistani website, that Alam died during the attack in the northern city of Marden.

Blasphemy is a sensitive issue in predominantly Muslim Pakistan and is punishable by death…”  ((Islam is a religion of hate.  Sharia Law demands death penalties for (1) Daughters who have premarital sex, (2) Homosexuals – these murderers are told to drop them from the highest mountain to be sure to hear their fearful screams, (3) Apostates – these are Islamic religionists who mock Allah, Muhammad, of the Koran, (4) All infidels – non Muslim religionists.  Nothing matters to these self-proclaimed holy and righteous men.  How wrong they are.  It is the Muslims who will be judged by the true God for the way they committed every abominable sin wicked minds created – “Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust”  I Timothy 1:9-11.  See the next two reports.)

Iran hangs two men for crimes of blasphemy, insulting Islam

May 8, 2023The Jerusalem Post reports: “Iran has executed two people who had been sentenced to death for blasphemy, Iran’s judiciary website Mizan showed on Monday.

Yousef Mehrdad and Sadrollah Fazeli Zare were executed for crimes including blasphemy, insulting the religion of Islam, the prophet and other sanctities, Mizan reported. It did not say when they were executed.

The two were running dozens of online anti-religion platforms dedicated to the hatred of Islam, the promotion of atheism and insults to sanctities, Mizan reported.

UN experts have called on majority Shi’ite Muslim Iran to stop persecution and harassment of religious minorities pointing out an Iranian policy of targeting dissenting beliefs or religious practices, including Christian converts and atheists…”

Iran Hangs Seven More in Execution ‘Spree,’ Rights Group Says

May 11, 2023Voice of America News reports: “Iran executed seven men Wednesday in two prisons outside Tehran on drug and rape charges, a rights group said, accelerating what activists describe as a hanging spree over the past two weeks.

The United Nations had warned on Tuesday of a ‘frighteningly’ high number of executions in the country after a rare execution on Monday of two men on blasphemy charges.

Three men were executed on drug-related charges in Ghezal Hesar prison in the city of Karaj outside Tehran, said Iran Human Rights (IHR), a Norway-based NGO.

It added that four other men were hanged on rape charges in Rajai Shahr prison, also in Karaj.

The judiciary’s Mizan Online website confirmed the three executions on drug charges, saying the convicts were members of a cocaine distribution cartel. There has been no official confirmation so far of the four executions on rape charges.

IHR said the latest hangings meant Iran had conducted at least 64 executions in the last 12 days alone…”